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My new FHM blog!

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Posted 01-05-2014 at 10:42 AM by Winnipeg59
Tags fhm

I have decided to blog!
The forum is just not enough.

The intention of this blog will be to track the progress of FHM. I cannot wait for this game to be on par with the other products OOTP has delivered. And hopefully blogging the odd item about my experience with the game will provide some indirect feedback to the developers (if they pop by every once and a while) to help with the development for the "everyday" player.

I and a hockey fan and follow the NHL Winnipeg Jets (home town) and also the Toronto Maple Leafs (live closer to them than the Jets at the moment - and you simply cannot get away from Leaf broadcasts if you live anywhere in Canada)!

I discovered OOTP a few years ago when searching for a more in depth sports experience, having played and enjoyed NHL and Madden from EA. What I really wanted was more of a management experience than gameplay experience. As soon as I downloaded the "demo" version of OOTP (I recall it being v8) and started to get into the game and the manual I knew this was going to be fun! Very shortly after that I bought in completely and purchased the game (v11) and was on my way, never looking back and enjoying each new version of their fantastic baseball experience. For that reason alone I would rate myself as hopeful, but semi-realistic, FHM can get to an OOTP level as quickly as possible!

So, in this blog I plan to take small chunks of the game and play through them to check on progress instead of trying to take on the whole game. That said, I have already done a walk-through thread on the earliest version - found here. I stopped after a couple of versions because it simply wasn't far enough along in the "Custom Game" development, which later was explained in the forum as something on which the developers were not going to immediately concentrate on.

This blog will be nothing like that. It will, as mentioned, focus on smaller chunks of the basic game experience to see if it works or not, as I understand it. And because the basic game, in my mind being the NHL present-day, seems to be the current focus, I'll only concentrate on a present day game start and see where it takes me.

I truly hope to see some progress as each new patch is released, on whatever timetable the developers choose to release it.

And this blog will always try to remain positive and helpful to the development of the game!

Hope this works?
Hope you enjoy it?
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  1. Old Comment
    Good luck with it.
    Posted 01-05-2014 at 07:59 PM by GMO123 GMO123 is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Bruins86's Avatar
    Look forward to reading it. Also love the positive attitude approach, nice change from what you usually see on this board.
    Posted 01-05-2014 at 09:45 PM by Bruins86 Bruins86 is offline

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