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Old 03-08-2020, 09:17 AM   #41
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Fight 39 - Oscar Bonavena KO's Deontay Wilder In Round 8

Round 8 Commentary

The bell starts the action as Bonavena and Wilder leave their corners.
Bonavena connects with an uppercut to the head of Wilder.
Bonavena lands a volley of punches and at least one scored cleanly.
Those punches have opened a cut on Wilder. Blood is evident!
Wilder looks to be bleeding from under his right eye.
Bonavena takes a half step back and unleashes a wicked uppercut that lands square.
Bonavena really packs a wallop and he just landed a brutal shot to the body!
Wilder was stunned by that blow!
It looks like Deontay Wilder and Bonavena are both breathing heavily...
Bonavena lands a hard hook!
That shot landed square and Wilder felt it, he's in a world of hurt!
Wilder takes a heavy cross downstairs.
Bonavena lands a devastating cross!
It doesn't look like Wilder has much left at all.
Bonavena lands a pair of short right hands just above the waist line.
Deontay Wilder starts to go down and Referee Bulner grabs him and is stopping the fight!
Oscar Bonavena is going to get the TKO victory!!

And here with the call is Jimmy Lennon Jr. …

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:12 mark in Round 8. Your winner by TKO is … Oscar Bonavena!
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Old 03-08-2020, 11:02 AM   #42
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Fight 40 - Riddick Bowe KO's Chuck Wepner in Round 8

Round 8 Commentary

Wepner's cut man does a nice job on his facial swelling as the bell sounds for Round 8.
Bowe lands a paralyzing combination!
Wepner gets caught with several punishing blows to the head and he is reeling!
Bowe just landed a short, clean cross that caught Wepner flush. Wepner dropped like he'd been shot.
Referee Ferrara starts counting ...
Chuck Wepner is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 2.
At 7, Wepner struggles to regain his feet, but still looks hurt as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
Ferrara wipes off Wepner's gloves and waves the fighters together.
Bowe has Chuck Wepner hurt, now let's see what kind of finisher Bowe is.
Bowe throws a cross to the head, then digs a hook to the body.
Wepner is going to have to call on all his tricks to survive with this much time to go.
Bowe lands a tremendous shot under Wepner's ribcage and Wepner crumbles to the canvas.
Ferrara begins the count again ...
At 8, Wepner has regained his feet, but he definitely looks dazed!
Ferrara gives Wepner a quick once over and decides to let the fight go on.
Ferrara surely can't let this go on much longer as Wepner is taking a pounding!
Bowe pounds Wepner inside with a flurry of punches!
Wepner goes down!! He walked right into a wicked hook from Bowe!!
Wepner hits the canvas for the third time in the round and that's it!
Riddick Bowe is the TKO winner in round 8!

Ben Bentley has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by technical knockout at the 2:08 mark in Round 8 is ... Riddick Bowe!

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Old 03-08-2020, 02:37 PM   #43
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Fight 41 - Mike Weaver KO's Frank Bruno In Round 3

Round 3 Commentary

Here come the fighters to ring center to Start Round 3 ...
Solid bodywork by Weaver as he lands several punches from the inside.
Weaver fires the cross in there, flush on the chin of Bruno. He rocked him with that one.
Bruno counters with a violent straight right blow!
Weaver is clutching his side!
Bruno tastes Weaver's jab.
Bruno connects with a solid combination!
Weaver was rattled by those shots and he is in a world of hurt!
Bruno eyes look good. He seems to be clear-headed after last round's knockdown.
Weaver counters with a series of blows! He really buried that punch into Bruno's ribs.
Bruno is trying to regroup after those punches ...
A brutal combination from Weaver connects to the solar plexus!
Those punches hurt Bruno and he looks to hang on!
Van de Wiele is taking a close look at Bruno, if he doesn't respond this fight could be over.
That cross from Weaver lands with some authority!
Weaver has Bruno hurt badly; he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Weaver lands a hard hook to the head and Bruno is down!!
Van de Wiele positions himself over Bruno and starts the count …
That's it folks! Bruno is barely moving as the referee reaches 10 as he has been knocked out!
Mike Weaver gets the TKO!!!

Ben Bentley has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by knockout at 2:34 of round 3 ... Mike Weaver!
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Old 03-08-2020, 04:01 PM   #44
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Fight 42 - Jersey Joe Walcott By Majority Decision Over Joe Bugner

Round 12 Commentary

As the bell sounds for the final round, it looks as if the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.
Walcott scores to both the head and body and then moves away.
Bugner takes a tremendous hook to the jaw!
That was a beautiful shot as Bugner's eyes rolled back in his head! It's amazing that he's still upright!
Walcott lands a jab. He's using it as both an offensive and defensive weapon.
Bugner lands a hard combination to the head and Walcott is down!!
Referee Abainza brings his arm down over Walcott as he begins the count...
At 7, Walcott gets up on one knee and takes the mandatory 8 count before rising.
Walcott does not look like he has fully recovered from the knockdown, but he tells the ref that he can still fight.
Joe Bugner hurt Walcott with that last shot! He's got him on wobbly legs, let's see if he can close the deal!
Despite Bugner’s Knockdown Punch, Walcott seems to have done enough to win this fight.
This bout's over, fight fans! The scorecards will tell the tale in this one ...

Here's Damian Pinto with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Mikael Hook, Sweden scores the bout 114 to 113 for Jersey Joe Walcott

Joel Dovenbarger, United States scores the bout 114 to 114 - even

Luis Escalona, United States scores the bout 116 to 112 for ...

The winner by majority decision, Jersey Joe Walcott!!!
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Old 03-08-2020, 04:31 PM   #45
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Flight 43 - Chris Byrd By Unanimous Decision Over Nikolay Valuev

Round 12 Commentary

There are 3:00 more minutes of fighting to go in the 12th and final round.
Byrd feints downstairs, then lands two quick blows to the head.
That's a nice solid jab from Valuev!
Valuev is leaning on the back of Byrd's neck and Hausamann has seen enough as he issues a warning.
Byrd scores with a cross to the breadbasket.
Chris Byrd appears to have this fight under control.
The bell sounds ending the final round and now the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.

Let's go to Henry Jones for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Brett Miller, United States scores it 116 to 112

Dave Greer, United States scores the bout 115 to 113

Jerry Roth, United States has it 116 to 112

And your winner by unanimous decision … Chris Byrd!!!
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Old 03-08-2020, 08:56 PM   #46
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Fight 44 - Mike Tyson KO's George Chuvalo In Round 9

Round 9 Commentary

The bell starts the action as Chuvalo and Mike Tyson leave their corners.
Tyson lands a crushing hook!
Chuvalo looks shaken!
Tyson looks somewhat plodding as he tries to chase down Chuvalo.
Tyson lands a smashing cross!
Chuvalo is gasping for air!!
OH! Tyson landed the big hook flush!
That shot has Chuvalo hurt!
A beautiful combination to the chin sends Chuvalo to the canvas!
Referee Bulner begins counting...
At 5, Chuvalo's legs look bad as he manages to rise from the knockdown. The referee is finishing the mandatory 8 count.
Bulner is looking at Chuvalo closely, and he will allow the fight to continue.
Mike Tyson lands a strong hook!
Chuvalo takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
Chuvalo was staggered by that punch!
Chuvalo was stopped cold by that punch and he is staggering across the ring!
Mike Tyson throws the cross and scores to the head of Chuvalo.
Tyson wants to take the decision out of the hands of the judges and he has a chance to do just that!
Tyson is raining blows down on Chuvalo, who is obviously hurt!
And it's over!!! Bulner jumps in and wraps his arms around Chuvalo!
The winner by TKO at the 2:37 mark in round 9 Mike Tyson!!

And here with the call is Joe Humphries

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by technical knockout at the 2:37 mark in Round 9 is ... Mike Tyson!
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Old 03-08-2020, 09:18 PM   #47
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Fight 45 - Tony Tucker By Unanimous Decision Over Randall "Tex" Cobb

Round 12 Commentary

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
Cobb's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Tucker throws a hard cross and scores to the head of Cobb.
Cobb tries a straight right that's blocked by the gloves of Tucker.
Cobb walks into a hard jab from Tucker
Cobb's badly swollen left eye continues to be a factor in this fight!
Tucker connects with an uppercut. He can make good use of that punch if he can continue to get inside.
Tony Tucker goes to the body with a three punch salvo.
Both fighters seem willing to clinch... Someone's got to throw some leather...
The bell sounds ending the 12th and final round of this fight.

Let's go to Bob Alexander for the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Harold Barnes, United States scores the fight 118 to 109

Raul Caiz, United States scores the bout 117 to 110

Remigio Ruggeri, Italy scores it 118 to 109

The winner by unanimous decision is Tony Tucker!
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Old 03-08-2020, 09:31 PM   #48
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Fight 46 - Gerrie Coetzee By Unanimous Decision Over Tony Tubbs

Round 12 Commentary

The fighters touch gloves in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round begins.
Tubbs has some spring in his step here in the 12th round.
However, the swelling on the face of Tubbs is noticeable, even at a distance.
Both fighters want to work inside for the moment, as Coetzee blasts home a hook.
There's a wicked right by Gerrie Coetzee. He had some steam on that punch.
Tubbs lands a brutal elbow and the Ref is stopping the action to issue a warning.
Tubbs pummels Gerrie Coetzee, capping off his assault with a stiff hook!
Coetzee looks shaken!
Tony Tubbs scores with a cross to the ribs.
Tubbs absorbs a wicked uppercut to the head. He's staggering backwards and now he goes down in a heap.
Referee Langos picks up the count from the timekeeper ...
At 5, Tony Tubbs's legs look bad as he manages to rise from the knockdown. The referee is finishing the mandatory 8 count.
Langos waves the two fighters together.
Coetzee stunned Tubbs with that last shot and Coetzee's killer instinct has kicked in as he looks to end the fight.
Coetzee looks like he's now favoring his hand. Maybe he's injured it.
Coetzee fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
However, Coetzee seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The final round concludes and we're going to have to await a decision to find out who won this contest.

Let's go to Johnny Addie for the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Leo Birnbaum, United States scores the fight 116 to 111

Arturo Sanchez, Panama scores the bout 116 to 110

Silvestre Abainza, Philippines scores it 115 to 111

The winner by unanimous decision is Gerrie Coetzee!
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Old 03-08-2020, 11:19 PM   #49
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Fight 47 - Gerry Cooney KO's James "Quick" Tillis In Round 6

Round 6 Commentary

Tillis got quite a pep talk in his corner; we'll see if the instructions work in Round 6.
Cooney shoots a vicious cross right down the pipe and catches Tillis flush!
Cooney has Tillis hurt badly; he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Gerry Cooney lands a hard cross!
Tillis is suddenly in trouble!
Cooney lands a thudding shot under Tillis's ribcage and Tillis crumbles like stale bread. He's down on both knees.
Referee Santore stands over Tillis and begins counting...
At 4, Tillis makes it to his feet but his legs look wobbly as the mandatory 8 is tolled.
Santore waves the two fighters together, he is allowing the fight to continue.
Cooney and Tillis exchange punches and the crowd roars it's approval as Cooney gets in the most telling blows.
Cooney senses he has Tillis in trouble and he is pouring it on!
A quick jab from Cooney connects.
Tillis takes a punishing over hand right to the face!
Oh! That last shot has opened a cut on Tillis because there's blood flowing from somewhere.
A solid combination drops Tillis on his back!
Santore motions Cooney to a neutral corner and starts the count.
Tillis is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 8.
And that's it! Tillis can't beat the count.
Gerry Cooney wins this fight in dramatic fashion with a stunning knockout!

Here's Frank Shain with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by knockout at 2:42 of round 6 ... Gerry Cooney!
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Old 03-08-2020, 11:57 PM   #50
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Fight 48 - Pinklon Thomas By Majority Decision Over Henry Cooper

Round 12 Commentary

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for the final round of the fight.
Cooper's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Thomas gets inside and fires a hook to Henry Cooper's body.
Pinklon Thomas gets in close and comes straight up to the chin of Cooper with an uppercut.
Thomas lands a big hook to the jaw of Cooper. Cooper was stopped cold by that shot.
It seems every shot Cooper takes on his right eye makes the swelling worse.
Thomas is really focused in this round.
Thomas is challenging Cooper to fight him and quit clinching.
Thomas pushes Cooper away, looking for more space to work in.
Cooper backs off to hitch up his trunks.
Cooper is punching Thomas's head, trying to break his hold. Finally, Earle pushes the fighters apart.
That's it. This fight has gone the distance and now we'll await the official decision.

Jim Fitzgerald has the call...

Ladies and Gentlmen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision...

Bill Recht, United States scores the bout 114 to 112 for Pinklon Thomas

Ferdinand Estrella, Philippines scores it 113 to 113 - Even

Raffaele Argiolas, Italy scores the bout 115 to 111 for ... Your winner by majority decision … Pinklon Thomas!
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Old 03-09-2020, 04:24 AM   #51
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Fight 49 - Ernie Terrell By Split Decision Over Michael Dokes

Round 12 Commentary

We go to the last round, as the bell sounds to start the 12th.
Terrell's corner didn't ignore the swelling he's suffered so far in this bout.
Terrell lands the lead cross.
Dokes lands a smashing hook!
Terrell is gasping for air!!
Terrell scores with a glancing cross.
Dokes lands a devastating hook!
Terrell is hurt!
Referee Burke is all over Dokes for a low blow and he better clean up his act immediately.
Terrell connects with an uppercut. He can make good use of that punch if he can continue to get inside.
Terrell lands an uppercut under Dokes's chin.
Terrell seems to have done enough to win this fight.
And the bell sounds ending the round and the fight. We'll await the decision of the judges.

And here with the call is Mark Beiro ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Soeren Saugmann, Denmark scores the bout 114 to 113 for Ernie Terrell

Dong-Ahn Park, South Korea scores the bout 115 to 113 for Michael Dokes

Eliecer Perez, Panama scores the bout 114 to 113 for ... The winner by split decision … Ernie Terrell!
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Old 03-09-2020, 05:00 AM   #52
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Fight 50 - Buster Douglas KO's John Tate In Round 4

Round 4 Commentary

Douglas didn't sit in the corner between rounds and he comes out quickly to begin Round 4.
Douglas bangs away with both hands and a nice uppercut finds a home.
Both fighters show virtually nothing in the way of damage.
Douglas lands a hard cross!
Tate was rattled by that shot and he is hurt!
Tate tries to go to the body, but he can't find an opening.
A solid combination by Buster drops Tate on his back!
Douglas is ushered to a neutral corner by Referee Garry and the count begins ...
Tate is desperately trying to stand as the count hits 4 but he is badly hurt.
That's it! John Tate can't beat the count. Douglas wins this fight with a knockout.

Let's go to Frank Shain for the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen! The victor by knockout at 1:39 of the 4th round ... James “Buster” Douglas!
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Old 03-09-2020, 07:24 AM   #53
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Fight 51 - Jimmy Ellis By Unanimous Decision Over Michael Spinks

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the last round of the bout.
Ellis pushes his way out to the center of the ring where the fighters separate.
Ellis grabs Spinks again. If this were football, there'd be a penalty flag for holding.
Spinks misses with a combination.
Spinks tries to muscle inside, but Ellis clinches him.
Both fighters seem willing to clinch... Someone's got to throw some leather...
There's a right cross from Spinks that lands flush.
Jimmy Ellis bounces off the ropes, challenging Spinks to come get him.
Ellis connects with a vicious combination!
Spinks is suddenly in trouble after those punches!
Ellis seems to have done enough to win this fight.
That's the bell ending the fight and leaving the outcome in the hands of the judges.

Here's Johnny Addie with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Herminio Cuevas Collazo, Mexico scores the bout 116 to 109

Walter Cavalieri, United States has it 116 to 109

George Kachulis, United States sees the fight 116 to 109

The winner by unanimous decision is Jimmy Ellis!
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Old 03-09-2020, 11:48 AM   #54
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Fight 52 - Alfredo Evangelista KO's Leon Spinks In Round 7

Round 7 Commentary

The bell starts the action as Leon Spinks and Evangelista leave their corners.
The swelling on the face of Spinks is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
Evangelista lands a brutal uppercut!
Spinks's eyes are glazed over after that shot, he is definitely hurt!
Spinks goes downstairs with a quick combination.
Evangelista connects square to Spinks's jaw, talk about sweet chin music!!
Spinks is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
Evangelista and Spinks are both throwing wildly, a nice flurry, with Evangelista having the edge.
Spinks goes downstairs with a series of hard blows.
Alfredo Evangelista is working inside and scores with the hook to the side of Spinks's head.
That was a violent straight right by Evangelista!
Spinks was shaken by those blows!
There has to be something done about the swelling around Spinks's right eye as it continues to worsen.
An uppercut from Evangelista lands with some authority! That blast sent Spinks reeling into the ropes!
Evangelista lands a punch squarely under the right eye of Spinks and has restarted the flow of blood!
There's a sudden halt in the action as apparently there's some concern on the part of Referee Green about the amount of blood on the face of Spinks.
It's been deemed serious enough to have the ringside physician at least look at it.
The ringside physician is making a thorough examination of the cut and, after having cleared away some of the blood, the fight resumes.
Spinks takes a hard uppercut right on the button and he’s down!
Green brings his arm down over Spinks as he begins the count...
Spinks can't beat the count! It's over! Leon Spinks has been stopped in round 7!

Here's Michael Buffer with the call...

Ladies and gentlemen! The end comes at 2:30 of round 7 ... The winner by knockout ... Alfredo Evangelista!
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Old 03-09-2020, 03:28 PM   #55
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Fight 53 - Zora Folley By Unanimous Decision Over Renaldo Snipes

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
The swelling on the face of Snipes is noticeable, even at a distance.
Folley sneaks home the right cross.
Folley plants a cross on Snipes's rib cage.
Snipes's left eye continues to swell alarmingly and it's got to be affecting his vision.
Snipes winces as he takes a hard combination to the body from Folley.
Snipes lands a nice jab. He tries to follow it up with a cross but it misses.
Folley connects with an uppercut to the head of Snipes.
Snipes just delivered a wake-up call!!! He really caught Folley with a sharp combination!
Folley is trying to regain his senses after those punches!
Folley scores with a quick one-two to Snipes's midsection
Folley lands a double left, one to the head and one to the body.
Folley doubles up on the jab and he managed to score with the second one.
Folley seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The crowd would have liked to seen a knockout, but not tonight as the bell sounds ending Round 12.
To the Scorecards we go for the Final Decision …

And here with the call is Lupe Contreras

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision...

Albert Wilensky, United States scores it 117 to 110

Ricardo Bays, United States scores the bout 116 to 111

Jack Woodburn, Canada sees the fight 117 to 110

And your winner by unanimous decision … Zora Folley!!!
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Old 03-09-2020, 03:53 PM   #56
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Fight 54 - George Foreman KO's James "Bonecrusher" Smith In Round 4

Round 4 Commentary

Round 4 begins as the bell sounds.
Smith is trapped in Foreman's corner...
Foreman lands a powerful cross right on the button!
James Smith is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
Foreman lands a quick jab. He'd like to keep Smith on the end of that punch.
Foreman lands a crushing cross!
Foreman has Smith hurt badly, he is just trying to hang on right now!!
And Smith tastes the power of a crushing cross from Foreman!
How is Smith standing after that?
George Foreman lands a hard cross!
Smith looks shaken!
Smith takes a right to the body.
Foreman connects with a violent cross!
Foreman has Smith in trouble after that punch!
A big combination from Foreman lands with serious impact!
Smith is hurt after taking those shots!
Foreman lands punch after punch. Clancy steps in and the fight has been stopped!
George Foreman gets the TKO victory!!

We go to the ring where Billy Jordan is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:07 mark in Round 4. Your winner by TKO is ... George Foreman!
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Old 03-09-2020, 04:21 PM   #57
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Fight 55 - Bob Foster KO's Earnie Shavers In Round 8

Round 8 Commentary

Round 8 gets underway as the fighters move to the middle of the ring.
Foster is showing some fancy footwork tonight as he moves around Shavers.
Shavers moves to the center of the Ring taunting Foster with his hands by his sides.
Shavers blasts home a right hand. He telegraphed it but he got away with one there.
Both fighters look fatigued ...
Foster uses subtle movement and a tight guard protecting his body as Shavers tries vainly to score.
Wow! That shot landed like a lightning bolt! Shavers is down on his back!
Podgorski stands over Shavers and begins counting ...
Shavers is desperately trying to stand as the count hits 8 but he is badly hurt.
Shavers can't regain his feet! His legs just won't support him. Shavers rolls over on his back ... Foster wins by knockout!

Here's Michael Pass with the call ... Ladies and Gentlemen!

The time of the stoppage is 2:04 of round number 8. The winner by knockout is ... Bob Foster!
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Old 03-09-2020, 04:45 PM   #58
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Fight 56 - Ezzard Charles KO's Joe Frazier In Round 6

Round 6 Commentary

Charles looks to be in excellent shape as Round 6 gets underway.
If the swelling was lessened by Frazier's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Frazier moves in and takes a crisp, hard jab from Ezzard Charles.
Charles lands the lead cross.
The increased swelling around the left eye of Frazier is fast becoming a hindrance.
Frazier tries a hook but Ezzard Charles blocks it and then he scores with a hook of his own!
That cross from Charles lands with some authority!
Frazier is trying to regain his senses after that punch...
Frazier just absorbed a terrifying shot to the body.
Frazier is hurt!
The swelling around Frazier's left eye is getting messy and his vision has to be obscured.
Charles has Frazier trapped!
Frazier takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
Frazier gets off a jab to the solar plexus!
Charles lands a quick jab and follows up immediately with a heavy cross to the head of Frazier.
Charles drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
That series of punches rocked Frazier and he looks to be in trouble.
Frazier is exhausted. Podgorski wraps his arms around Frazier ... He's saving him from further punishment.
It's a TKO win for Charles!

Here's Michael Pass with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:55 mark in Round 6. Your winner by TKO is … Ezzard Charles!
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Old 03-09-2020, 06:56 PM   #59
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Fight 57 - Tyson Fury By Unanimous Decision Over Donovan Ruddock

Round 12 Commentary

The fighters touch gloves in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round begins.
Fury’s Trainer was screaming at him between rounds trying to get him fired up.
Fury takes a tremendous hook to the jaw!
Fury appears to be stunned!
Fury is holding Ruddock tighter than most men do their wives -- or girlfriends!
Fury's corner is shouting at him to be more aggressive.
Oh!!! Ruddock unleashed a crippling right hand to the head!
Fury appears to have been staggered by that punch ...
Ruddock seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The bell sounds ending the 12th and final round of this fight as we go to the Scorecards ...

Ray Connelly has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Silvestre Abainza, Philippines sees the fight 117 to 109

Don Griffin, United States scores it 115 to 111

Elmo Adolph, United States scores the fight 114 to 113

And your winner by unanimous decision Tyson Fury!!!

Both Fighters quickly escape as the Crowd Litters the Ring with Debris!!!

They think Donovan Ruddock was Robbed!
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Old 03-09-2020, 07:22 PM   #60
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Fight 58 - Jerry Quarry KO's Andrew Golota In Round 8

Round 8 Commentary

We await the bell, signaling the start of Round 8. There it is!
Both fighters are looking to bang inside, as Quarry lands an uppercut to the jaw.
Jerry Quarry shoots a vicious cross right down the pipe and catches Andrew Golota flush!
That was a violent straight right by Quarry!
Golota looks shaken!
Quarry lands a glancing, overhand right. He just missed landing that one square.
Quarry goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Golota back on his heels!
Golota seems to have been hurt by that punch!
Wow! Golota recovers quickly & lands a brutal combination!
How is Quarry standing after those shots?
Quarry doubles up with the hook to the body, but Golota is unfazed.
Oh Boy!!! Golota goes down!!! He walked right into a wicked combination from Quarry!!!
Referee Pabon stands over Golota and starts the count ...
At 9, Golota lurches to his feet but there's no question that he's hurt.
Pabon asks Andrew Golota if he wants to continue ... He nods that he can.
Quarry is going to let it all hang out and try to end this fight right here and now!
Golota is in big trouble! Pabon wraps his arms around Golota ... He's saving him from further punishment.
It's a TKO win for Quarry in Round 8!!!

Here's Johnny Addie with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:43 mark in Round 8. Your winner by TKO is ... Jerry Quarry!
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