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Old 03-21-2020, 07:46 PM   #121
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Bout 117 - Buster Douglas versus Pinklon Thomas

Round 9 Commentary

Douglas looks to be in good shape as Round 9 gets underway.
Thomas's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Douglas snakes the jab through Thomas's gloves. He had some snap on that one.
Douglas lands a devastating cross!
Thomas was shaken by that blow!
Douglas last connect snapped back the head of Thomas. And it looks like it has reopened Thomas's cut.
Thomas has once again become bloodied, as the gash above his right eyebrow has, apparently, reopened.
Field is taking a close look at the blood trickling down Pinklon Thomas's face; and now he steps in and stops the contest.
Apparently, he wants the doctor to look at the damage done to Thomas's face, especially the cut above the eye.
The doctor is looking at it ... Thomas's corner is pleading with both the referee and the doctor.
The doctor is shaking his head. The fight is over as Field calls for the bell!
Douglas is the winner by TKO as the doctor will not let Thomas continue!

We go to the ring where Michael Pass is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Referee has stopped the bout with 0:25 gone in Round 9. Your winner is ... James “Buster” Douglas!

Buster Douglas - Record: 3-1-0 (2) & Pinklon Thomas - Record: 2-1-1 (1)
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Old 03-22-2020, 12:49 PM   #122
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Bout 118 - Jimmy Ellis versus Ernie Terrell

Both Fighters come in Undefeated … They never met In Real Life.

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
If the swelling was lessened by Ellis's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
The swelling on the face of Terrell is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
Both fighters have let it all hang out and this round could decide it all!
Ellis lets his hands go and lands some solid punches.
Terrell is dancing and flicking harmless punches at Ellis.
Not a lot of action in the ring right now.
Terrell scores with a glancing cross.
Terrell fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
Both fighters took the round off while the bout was on the line!
The fighters hug each other in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round ends.
To the scorecards we go … this should be real close …

And here with the call is Jake Gutierrez ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

George Garland, United States scores the bout 115 to 114 for Jimmy Ellis

Donald Balas, United States scores the bout 115 to 114 for Ernie Terrell

Dave Parris, England scores the bout 115 to 114 for ...

Your winner by split decision … and still undefeated … Jimmy Ellis!

Jimmy Ellis - Record: 4-0-0 (1) & Ernie Terrell - Record: 3-1-0

Last edited by a401kking; 03-22-2020 at 12:51 PM.
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Old 03-22-2020, 10:44 PM   #123
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Bout 119 - Alfredo Evangelista versus John Tate

Round 2 Commentary

Round 2 begins as the bell sounds.
Evangelista fires a light jab to the stomach of Tate.
Evangelista fires away but finds nothing but air.
Evangelista scores with a winging right! Tate's head snapped back violently with that punch!
Tate staggers into the ropes! He is struggling to remain upright!
Evangelista is really focused in this round.
Evangelista is receiving a lot of encouragement from his corner.
Tate is trapped in his opponents corner...
Evangelista sneaks in a quick uppercut that lands cleanly.
Tate whiffs with the cross.
Tate looks to land an uppercut but misses the mark.
Evangelista lands a powerful hook to John Tate's temple knocking him off balance and he goes down!!!.
Referee Milham crouches over John Tate and begins to count ...
The count reaches 7 as Tate is struggling to climb off the deck.
It's all over! Evangelista raises his arms in victory as the referee counts 10.
Tate stares blankly into the crowd, still wondering what just happened.

Dean Stone has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at 2:39 of round 2. The winner by knockout … Alfredo Evangelista!!!

Alfredo Evangelista - Record: 3-1-0 (3) & John Tate - Record: 0-4-0

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Old 03-23-2020, 07:37 AM   #124
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Bout 120 - Zora Folley versus Michael Spinks

Round 11

There's two rounds of boxing left, and it's obvious that Folley is probably going to need a stoppage to pull this one out.
Manny Seamon seemed to pump up Folley between rounds.
If the swelling was lessened by Folley's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Spinks throws the jab and it lands cleanly.
Spinks really buried that punch into Folley's ribs.
Folley is on unsteady legs after those punches.
The swelling around Folley's left eye is getting messy and his vision has to be obscured.
A solid combination downstairs by Spinks.
Folley misses with the left and then fails to connect with the right as well.
OH my!!! Spinks lands a huge cross and Folley hits the canvas!
Referee Jen-Kin crouches over Folley as he starts the count …
At 4, Folley gets up on one knee and takes the mandatory 8 count before rising.
Jen-Kin waves the two fighters together, he is allowing the fight to continue.
Michael Spinks stuns Folley again!
Spinks has exceptional killer instinct and is going to work now to try and finish him!
Spinks lands a short cross to the temple and Folley pitches forward, landing face first at Spinks's feet!!!
Jen-Kin picks up the count ...
Folley makes it to a knee at the count of 7 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
Folley gets back up but he looks badly shaken. He'll take the mandatory 8 and we'll find out if he can continue!
Folley raises his guard as Jen-Kin asks him if he wants to continue. Folley wants to keep on fighting but he still looks hurt.
Spinks has Folley on the run. Maybe he can finish Folley off before the clock ends this round.
Spinks telegraphed that shot and Folley ducks under it easily.
The bell sounds, ending the round and saving Folley!

Round 12

Folley looks a little confused and his corner isn't offering any useful advice.
If the swelling was lessened by Folley's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Oh! Zora Folley takes a sizzling cross flush to the chin and drops to his hands and knees!!!
Jen-Kin stands over Folley again and begins the count ...
The count reaches 2 as Folley is struggling to climb off of the deck.
At 5, Zora Folley lurches to his feet and awaits the completion of the mandatory 8 count.
Folley does not looks like he has fully recovered from the knockdown but he tells the ref that he can still fight.
Jen-Kin must agree as he signals for the fight to go on.
Spinks pumps a solid jab into the face of Folley; now he tries to move inside behind the punch.
Spinks just landed a devastating three punch combo!
Folley was shaken by those blows!
Folley smothers Spinks's attack as Spinks tries to get off some shots inside.
Folley is definitely in trouble. Spinks needs to pick his shots and he can knock him out right now.
Spinks catches Folley again with a nice cross.
Spinks is raining blows down on Folley, who is obviously hurt.
Spinks wants to take the decision out of the hands of the judges and he has a chance to do just that!
Michael Spinks drives the hook home.
Folley is nearly out on his feet and not defending himself at all, this fight has to be on the verge of being stopped.
Spinks can't score with short uppercut inside. Folley got his gloves in front of the punch.
Being down in each of the last two rounds has taken a huge toll on Folley!
Spinks connects with a hard left hook to the jaw.
Folley fires a shot, but it glances off Spinks's shoulder.
A brutal combination from Spinks connects to the solar plexus!
Folley is out on his feet. Jen-Kin leaps between the two fighters!
It's over! Spinks wins on a TKO in Round 12. This fight should have been stopped earlier!

Here's Bob Alexander with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:36 mark in Round 12. Your winner by TKO ... Michael Spinks!

Michael Spinks - Record: 2-2-0 (1) & Zora Folley - Record: 2-2-0

Last edited by a401kking; 03-23-2020 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 03-23-2020, 03:54 PM   #125
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Bout 121 - George Foreman versus Leon Spinks

Round 7 Commentary

Round 7 begins as the bell sounds.
If the swelling was lessened by Foreman's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Spinks comes out on top in that exchange, but Foreman was able to land some nice shots as well.
Foreman's right eye continues to swell alarmingly, and it's got to be affecting his vision.
Foreman lets his hands go inside and gets in a hook to Spinks's midsection.
Leon Spinks is starting to suck wind ...
Foreman lands a devastating cross!
The swelling around Spinks's left eye is worsening.
Spinks's eyes are glazed over after that shot, he is definitely hurt!
Spinks's tank is just about on empty.
Goodness, what a shot!!! Foreman is known for his tremendous power and that cross to the head was proof.
Spinks is just looking for a place to fall after that shot!
It's a sweet uppercut by Foreman! He snapped Leon Spinks's head straight back with that punch!
Spinks is badly hurt!
That cross from Foreman has some power behind it!
Foreman with a lead right to the head.
Spinks was stopped cold by that punch!
George Foreman has a reputation as a great finisher. Let's see if he can live up to it!
Spinks's left eye is turning ugly as the swelling under it worsens.
Spinks just absorbed a terrifying shot to the body & he buckles.
Spinks starts to go down and Ortega grabs him and is stopping the fight!
Foreman gets the TKO victory in Round 7!!!

We go to the ring where Ed Darien is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 1:53 mark in Round 7. Your winner by TKO … George Foreman!

George Foreman - Record: 4-0-0 (4) & Leon Spinks - Record: 1-3-0 (1)
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Old 03-23-2020, 11:06 PM   #126
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Bout 122 - Bob Foster versus Renaldo Snipes

Round 12 Commentary

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
Foster's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
The swelling on the face of Snipes is noticeable, even at a distance. Although his corner men were applying cold compresses and trying to work the swelling away from his eyes.
This round could decide the fight!
Foster moves into a neutral corner.
Snipes wings a big left hand at Foster but the latter sidesteps the punch.
Foster slips inside and lands a hook.
Snipes let's his hands go and connects with several light blows to Foster's Head.
Snipes lands the jab but comes up short with a second one right behind it.
Not much steam behind Foster's jab, but it scores, nonetheless.
Snipes misses the lead right but follows up with a left hook that finds the mark.
Foster goes downstairs with a quick combination.
Foster lands a crushing uppercut!
Renaldo Snipes pops a jab home. That punch didn't hurt but it still scored points.
Foster throws a straight right that glances off the shoulder of Snipes but it's enough to keep him off-balance.
This fight is history! The last round is over, and we await the decision of the judges ...

Johnny Addie has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Robin Dolpirre, France scores the bout 115 to 114 for Renaldo Snipes

Manfred Kuechler, Germany scores it even 114 to 114

Michael Lee, South Korea scores the bout 116 to 112 for ...

Your winner by majority decision … Renaldo Snipes!

Renaldo Snipes - Record: 1-3-0 & Bob Foster - Record: 2-2-0 (2)
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Old 03-24-2020, 09:13 AM   #127
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Bout 123 - Joe Frazier versus James “Bonecrusher” Smith

Round 1

The bell for Round 1 sounds and the fight is on.
Oh! Frazier drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
Smith is reeling already ...
Smith slides into a neutral corner...
Frazier lands a vicious uppercut and down goes Smith!
Ref Cole brings his arm down over Smith as he begins the count ...
Smith tries to clear his head as Cole reaches the count of 2.
At 7, Smith manages to rise from that knockdown as Cole gives him the mandatory standing 8 count.
Cole wipes off Smith's gloves and waves the fighters together.
Frazier tries to go to the body, but he can't find an opening.
Smith takes a hard combination from Frazier.
Mercy! Another crushing blow by Frazier!
And Smith is just trying to hang on at the 1:35 mark of this opening Round ...
The fighters have worked their way back to the center of the ring.
Joe Frazier scores with a punch that's part uppercut, part hook!
Frazier misses wildly with the hook.
Smith is trapped in the corner...
Frazier leaves the jab just short.
Frazier slips in a quick cross.
Smith punishes Frazier with his piston-like jab and if he keeps doing it, he might bust Frazier up.
Frazer tries a straight right that's blocked by the gloves of Smith.
Forget the sweet science, boxing fans love a knockdown as their approval of that last round clearly demonstrates.

Round 5

Joe Frazier looks to be in excellent shape as Round 5 gets underway.
Frazier fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
Bill Gore knows "Smokin' Joe" Frazier lost that last round, but he took the positive approach between rounds.
Joe Frazier lands a brutal uppercut!
That's the punch Joe Frazier hoped to land! James Smith looks to be in bad shape after that blow!
Joe Frazier gets in two or three punishing shots to the head of Smith.
Frazier is really focused in this round.
Smith goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Frazier back on his heels!
Frazier's hurt, that blow stopped him cold!
Oh … A hook from Frazier snapped Smith's head back violently!
Smith is now dazed and he is in trouble!!
Frazier follows with a hard uppercut!
Smith looks like he was hurt by that punch!
A mouse has formed under James Smith's left eye.
Frazier lands a solid uppercut!
That swelling under the left eye of Smith is definitely getting worse.
There's a hard shot off the top of Smith's head!
Goodness … another hard shot & Smith's eyes actually rolled back in his head! It's amazing that he's still upright!
Joe Frazier has Smith cornered!
Frazier scores with another solid hook to the head!
The referee is stopping the fight!! Smith wants to continue but Cole has seen enough.
This one is over, and Frazier is the winner by TKO in round 5!

And here with the call is Michael Buffer …

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:41 mark in Round 5.

Your winner by TKO … Joe Frazier!

Joe Frazier - Record: 3-1-0 (3) & James “Bonecrusher” Smith - Record: 0-4-0
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Old 03-24-2020, 02:37 PM   #128
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Bout 124 - Tyson Fury versus Earnie Shavers

Round 2

Shavers rushes out at the bell. Whatever his corner said to him seems to have him fired up.
Tom Yankello seemed to pump up Fury between rounds.
Fury retreats into a neutral corner.
Shavers gets the cross in, making Fury blink.
Fury fires a straight right. He split the gloves with that punch.
Tyson Fury punctuates a great series of blows to the midsection by driving a wicked hook into Shavers's liver.
Fury scores with a tremendous right just above the waistline!
Shavers was shaken by those blows!
Shavers is trapped in Fury's corner...
Shavers works his way free!
Shavers slides into a neutral corner...
Fury fires a lead right that Shavers manages to avoid.
Shavers connects with a thundering cross and Fury drops to the canvas!
Referee Van de Wiele begins counting ...
At 4, Fury finds his legs and stands up while the referee administers the standing 8.
This bout will continue as Van de Wiele signals to both men to fight.
Fury suddenly looks very vulnerable. Shavers can stop him if he lets it all hang out.
Fury slides into the corner ...
Fury hits the deck after a huge hook and he looks hurt again.
Van de Wiele begins the count over Fury as Shavers moves to a neutral corner ...
At 5, Fury is back up but his eyes have that vacant look about them. Fury will take an 8 count here.
Oh, and there is the bell saving Fury!

Round 5

Shavers dips as if to launch a body shot, then goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Fury back on his heels!
That blast sent Fury reeling into the ropes!
Shavers slides into his own corner ...
Fury moves in and scores with a quick jab.
Fury lands a solid shot to the head and follows up with a better one!
Shavers takes a hard combination from Fury!
Fury has Earnie Shavers hurt badly & he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Fury fires a jab to the body.
Several punches land to Shavers's body as he looks to move back to the outside.
Fury lets a quick hook go, catching Shavers moving in.
Wow! Fury is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches by Shavers! Fury is down!!!
And the count starts ...
The count reaches 6 as Fury is struggling to climb off of the deck.
Thats it! The fight is over, and Fury has still not moved as the medical staff rushes in to check on him.
Shavers takes the victory here in Round 5 with a barrage of punches that all hit their mark!

Ben Bentley has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by knockout at 2:25 of round 5 ... Earnie Shavers!!!

Earnie Shavers - Record: 1-3-0 (1) & Tyson Fury - Record: 1-3-0
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Old 03-24-2020, 03:54 PM   #129
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Bout 125 - Andrew Golota versus Ezzard Charles

Round 12 Commentary

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
The swelling on the face of Golota is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
The swelling on the face of Charles is noticeable, even at a distance.
Ezzard Charles takes a hard combination from Golota.
And Charles's in big trouble now!
Charles clinches nicely to buy time ... but clinching doesn't score points.
The Referee breaks it up ...
There's a hard shot off the top of Charles's head!
Charles is trying to reach for the ropes! His legs have turned to jelly!
You can see some increased swelling around the right eye of Charles.
Charles slides along the far ropes.
Golota just can't find the range with that uppercut.
Charles lands a quick jab. He'd like to keep Golota on the end of that punch.
That punch has reopened a cut on Golota as once again you can see blood on his face.
Now the bleeding from the cut above Golota's eye has begun to seep again.
Golota lands a vicious uppercut!
Golota fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
Charles connects with a cross.
Although this Round goes to Golota, Charles seems to have done enough to win this fight.
That's it! This fight is over, and we'll go to the scorecards ...

Let's go to Damian Pinto for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Bob Logist, United States scores the bout 117 to 112

Michael Fischer, Germany sees the fight 119 to 110

Robin Dolpirre, France has it 118 to 111

And your winner by unanimous decision … and still undefeated … Ezzard Charles!!!

Ezzard Charles - Record: 4-0-0 (2) & Andrew Golota - Record: 1-3-0 (1)
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Old 03-25-2020, 07:12 AM   #130
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Bout 126 - Larry Holmes versus Donovan Ruddock

Round 6 Commentary

Round 6 gets underway as the fighters move to the middle of the ring.
Ruddock has Holmes trapped in the left neutral corner...
Ruddock flicks three quick jabs and at least one got through.
Holmes is trapped in the corner...
Ruddock attempts to go to the body, but he can't connect.
Ruddock takes a hard jab to the face from Holmes!
Donovan Ruddock's right eye is little more than a slit right now as the swelling has just about closed it.
Donovan Ruddock telegraphed that shot and Larry Holmes ducks under it easily.
Wow! These guys are exchanging punches at a furious rate!
It looks like Ruddock had a slight edge, but it's hard to choose, what a display!
Ruddock misses wildly with the hook.
Holmes doubles up on the jab and he managed to score with the second one.
Ruddock's right eye is a mess and Referee Coyle has called time.
He is motioning for the ringside doctor to look at the swelling around it.
The ring doctor is worried that damage suffered by Ruddock around his right eye could lead to permanent damage if the fight continues.
To Ruddock's dismay the referee, on advice of the ringside physician, is signaling the end of bout!!
This is going to go down as a TKO for Holmes here in Round 6.

Here's Jim Fitzgerald with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:13 mark in Round 6.

Your winner by TKO is Larry Holmes!

Larry Holmes - Record: 4-0-0 (2) & Donovan Ruddock - Record: 1-3-0 (1)
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Old 03-25-2020, 09:40 AM   #131
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Bout 127 - Evander Holyfield versus Jerry Quarry

Round 6 Commentary

Round 6 is about to begin... There's the bell!
Ted Bentham was really animated in Quarry's corner and Jerry Quarry was nodding in agreement.
Quick efficient work in the corner of Quarry has the cut at the lip under control. There's not even a trickle of blood showing.
Holyfield has Quarry trapped!
Evander Holyfield's punches are straying south of the border prompting a warning from Kelly to keep 'em up.
Kelly has actually seen enough, and Holyfield is going to lose a point for that foul!!!
The action is back in the center of the ring.
Evander Holyfield lands a powerful hook right on the button!
Holyfield has Quarry in trouble, he is hurt and trying to hang on!!
Holyfield traps Quarry in the corner again!
Holyfield sneaks in a quick uppercut that lands cleanly.
Quarry pins Holyfield in the corner!
Holyfield gets off a nice little three punch salvo.
That punch has reopened a cut on Quarry as once again you can see blood on his face.
Quarry's lip is split open again by Holyfield.
There's a sudden halt in the action and we're not sure why.
Oh, apparently there's some concern on the part of Referee Kelly about the amount of blood on the face of Quarry.
Even though the damage isn't over either of Quarry's eyes, it's been deemed serious enough to have the ringside physician at least look at it.
After some dabbing and swabbing and talking to the fighter, the doctor has concluded that the fight needn't be stopped.
Now Kelly is calling time-in, and this fight is going to get back underway here in Round 6.
The fighters are at ring center ...
Oh man … Quarry lands a thudding shot to Holyfield's face. Man!
Blood is now gushing from Evander Holyfield's nose!
The referee is halting the action. Holyfield is in pain.
That's it ... Kelly is stopping the bout. Quarry is the winner via TKO here in Round 6!

Here's Howard Leigh with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by technical knockout at the 1:41 mark in Round 6 ... Jerry Quarry!

Jerry Quarry - Record: 3-1-0 (2) & Evander Holyfield - Record: 1-3-0 (1)
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Old 03-25-2020, 07:27 PM   #132
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Bout 128 - Ingemar Johansson versus Floyd Patterson

Round 5 Commentary

Johansson and Patterson square off as the bell sounds to start the action for Round 5.
Danny Florio was extremely upbeat during the break with Patterson providing some solid encouragement.
Ingemar Johansson tries to double up on the jab but neither hit the mark.
Patterson gets in close and comes straight up to the chin of Johansson with an uppercut.
Patterson backs into his own corner...
Patterson goes down!! Oh my, he walked right into a wicked combination from Johansson!!
Ref Basile stands over Patterson and begins counting...
At 4, Patterson gets back up but he looks badly shaken. He'll take the mandatory 8 and we'll find out if he can continue!
Basile is allowing the fight to continue. Patterson looks real shaken to us, however.
Patterson is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches! He's down again!!!
Basile points Johansson to a neutral corner and begins the count over Patterson ...
At 5, Patterson rises slowly to his feet as the referee finishes the mandatory 8 count.
Basile waves the two fighters together, he is allowing the fight to continue.
Patterson does a great job with subtle movement to avoid Johansson's punches in close.
Johansson misses with the left and then fails to connect with the right as well.
Johansson tries to go to the body but he can't find an opening.
Johansson's jab connects to Patterson's head!
Johansson lands a perfect cross and Patterson slumps to the canvas!
And this fight is over!!! Patterson has gone down for the third time this round!
Johansson wins by TKO!

Here's Howard Leigh with the call ...

The winner by technical knockout at the end of round 5 ... Ingemar Johansson!

Ingemar Johansson - Record: 2-1-1 (1) & Floyd Patterson - Record: 1-3-0
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Old 03-27-2020, 10:17 PM   #133
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Bout 129 - Vitali Klitschko versus Greg Page

Round 4 Commentary

Both fighters look ready to go as Round 4 begins.
Klitschko dips as if to launch a body shot, then goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Page back on his heels!
Klitschko has Page hurt badly early, he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Both fighters are unmarked at this stage of the fight.
Greg Page fires a lead right that Klitschko manages to avoid.
Klitschko lands a jolting uppercut that snaps back the head of Page.
Klitschko traps Page in the corner!
Klitschko rakes Page with some solid shots to the head and body.
Klitschko has Page pinned!
Klitschko with a stiff jab.
There's a right cross from Klitschko that lands flush.
Page forces his way inside.
A brutal hook from Klitschko connects to the solar plexus!
Page just absorbed a terrifying shot to the body.
Those punches hurt Greg Page and he looks to hang on.
Vitali Klitschko lands a devastating jab!
Page is favoring his ribs, he's hurt!!
A solid cross drops Page on his back!
Ref Thomas begins the count over Page as Klitschko moves to a neutral corner ...
Page tries to clear his head as Thomas reaches the count of 5.
That's a ten count! Greg Page is out cold here in round 4.

Let's go to Howard Leigh for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by knockout at the 2:37 mark in Round 4 is ... Vitali Klitschko!

Vitali Klitschko - Record: 3-1-0 (3) & Greg Page - Record: 2-2-0 (1)
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Old 03-28-2020, 03:15 AM   #134
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Bout 130 - Wladimir Klitschko versus Ken Norton

Round 11

Klitschko is off his stool and waiting for the bell to begin Round 11.
Klitschko's corner gave his swelling priority during the minute off and they've done an excellent job of preventing it from worsening.
If the swelling was lessened by Norton's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Norton fires a volley of punches but Klitschko was already moving laterally and was out of harm's way.
Klitschko lands a volley of punches and at least one scored cleanly.
Norton punishes Klitschko with his piston-like jab and if he keeps doing it, he might bust Klitschko up.
Norton just comes up short with the combination.
Norton is putting his punches together, scoring well with combinations now.
Klitschko's left eye is becoming a cause of major concern as it continues swell.
Norton cranks a hard cross to the body of Klitschko.
OH my!!! Norton lands a huge cross and Klitschko hits the canvas.
Referee Christodoulou begins counting ...
At 6, Klitschko is up and assures the referee he can continue as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
Wladimir Klitschko still looks unsteady, but Christodoulou allows him to go on, waving the fighters together.
Norton misses with the hook.
Norton ducks inside, connecting with an uppercut downstairs.
Klitschko suddenly looks very vulnerable. Norton can stop him if he lets it all hang out.
Norton buries a hook to the body of Klitschko.
Norton hurt Klitschko with that last shot! He's got him on wobbly legs, let's see if he can close the deal!
Klitschko seems bothered by the increased swelling around the left eye.
Norton connects with a vicious uppercut!
Klitschko appears shaken by that punch!
Norton seems to have done enough to win this fight.
There’s the bell saving Klitschko although they may call an end to this fight …

Round 12

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
Klitschko seems to have some spring in his step here in the 12th round.
The swelling on the face Klitschko looks slightly less severe, thanks to a great job by his corner man.
Norton keeps looking to get inside on Klitschko where he has been effective all night.
Both fighters look fatigued now ...
Norton shoots the jab, followed by a nice cross.
Norton just landed a short, clean cross that caught Klitschko flush. Klitschko dropped like he'd been shot.
Christodoulou starts the count ...
Klitschko is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 5.
Klitschko gets up on one knee and takes the mandatory 8 count before rising.
Wladimir Klitschko looks to have steadied himself and Christodoulou will allow the fight to continue ...
Ken Norton knows that Klitschko is in a world of hurt. His Killer Instinct has kicked in and he's firing away at Klitschko.
That right hand of Norton's definitely packs a wallop and that one landed flush!!
Klitschko is staggered again!
Klitschko is looking toward Christodoulou, almost as if to say "I've had enough. Get me out of this thing." This fight shouldn't continue much longer.
Norton drives a short hook into Klitschko's midsection!
Hide the china because Norton is like a bull in there, charging forward with reckless abandon.
Having met the canvas in each of the last two rounds Klitschko is in big trouble!
Norton continues to pop the jab …
Norton has Klitschko in a world of trouble. Let's see if he can finish him here in the 12th.
Norton cranks a hard cross to the body of Klitschko & he buckles in pain.
Christodoulou has got to step in!!!
Christodoulou grabs Klitschko to save him from further punishment. Norton is the winner by TKO!!!

Joe Antonacci has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:02 mark in Round 12. Your winner by TKO is ... Ken Norton!

Ken Norton - Record: 2-1-1 (2) & Wladimir Klitschko - Record: 3-1-0
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Old 04-02-2020, 04:56 PM   #135
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Bout 131 - Lennox Lewis versus Orlin Norris

Round 5 Commentary

Norris and Lewis square off as the bell sounds to start the action for Round 5.
Lewis looks somewhat plodding as he tries to chase down Orlin Norris.
Lewis's corner is urging him on. They have been quite vocal tonight.
The fighters are tangled up inside. Lewis has a hand free and lands a little uppercut.
Lewis scores with the jab.
And now Lewis lands a tremendous shot under Norris's ribcage and Norris crumbles to the canvas.
Referee Bulner begins the count over Norris as Lewis moves to a neutral corner ...
The count is at 2 as Orlin Norris struggles to his knees.
That's a ten count as Norris collapses to the canvas and is out cold here in round 5.
Your Winner by TKO in Round 5 is Lennox Lewis!

And here with the call is Jake Gutierrez …

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by knockout at the 1:37 mark in Round 5 is ... Lennox Lewis!

Lennox Lewis - Record: 4-0-0 (2) & Orlin Norris - Record: 0-4-0
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Old 04-02-2020, 05:29 PM   #136
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Bout 132 - Sonny Liston versus Michael Moorer

Round 11

Liston and Moorer square off as the bell sounds to start the action for Round 11.
Moorer's corner men did their job with quiet efficiency and confidence.
Moorer's corner has done a great job on his swelling. They've got it under control, at least for now.
Wow! Liston leaps at Moorer and lands a cross that made Moorer's legs buckle ever so slightly. That was a wild shot!
Moorer just comes up short with the cross.
A quick hook to the body by Liston …
Sonny Liston has Moorer blocked in!
A cross to the jaw has Moorer hurt he stumbles forward and he's down!!
The count begins ...
Moorer beats the count, but he appears to be hurt badly!
Steele is allowing the fight to continue. Michael Moorer looks real shaken to us, however.
Liston just misses with a huge shot as Moorer chooses the perfect time to suddenly backpedal.
Liston lands a nice jab. He tries to follow it up with a cross but it misses.
Liston telegraphed that shot and Moorer ducks under it easily.
Liston tries to double up on the jab but neither hit the mark.
Fans appreciate a fine display of boxing as Round 11 proved nothing gets them going like a knockdown.

Round 12

There are 3:00 more minutes of fighting to go in the 12th and final round.
Teddy Atlas implored Michael Moorer to stay busy, to do more but Moorer's mind seems elsewhere.
A minute wasn't enough to eliminate or even significantly reduce Moorer's swelling
Liston is in complete control of this fight ...
Liston and Moorer are in a clinch, Steele hollers at them to break and start fighting.
Liston fires a light jab to the stomach
There's another clinch. Neither fighter seems to want to break.
Ref Steele pries them apart again.
It looks like Moorer has shaken off the effects of the knockdown he suffered in the last round.
There's the uppercut from Sonny Liston. That opening has been there all fight for him.
Moorer's right eye is turning ugly as the swelling under it worsens.
Liston is holding ...
Moorer pushes Liston away.
Moorer whiffs with the cross.
The action slows as Liston and Moorer measure each other up.
Moorer has dynamite in those fists and he lands a wicked hook downstairs but it is too little too late!
Liston appears shaken by those punches!
Call it a night, sports fans, because this fight is over! Let's see who gets the nod from the judges ...

Let's go to Dean Stone for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Guy Jutras, Canada scores the fight 117 to 110

Bill Holmes, United States scores it 118 to 110

Sipho Zondo, South Africa has it 118 to 109

The winner by unanimous decision … Sonny Liston!

Sonny Liston - Record: 4-0-0 (2) & Michael Moorer - Record: 0-4-0
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Old 04-02-2020, 08:05 PM   #137
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Bout 133 - Joe Louis versus Archie Moore

Round 5 Commentary

Moore didn't sit in the corner between rounds and he comes out quickly to begin Round 5.
Moore is backed into his opponents corner ...
Louis lands a powerful combination right on the button!
Moore seems to be back on an even keel after those blows ...
Both fighters show virtually nothing in the way of damage.
Moore lands with a short, quick uppercut in close.
Wow! Louis and Moore go toe to toe with Joe Louis getting the better of it.
Louis connects to the head with a powerful right cross.
Louis fires a short right cross that lands square. That was a nice punch.
Moore retreats into a neutral corner.
Oh! Moore just absorbed a terrifying shot to the body.
Moore looks shaken!
There's a hard shot off the top of Moore's head!
That's the punch Louis wanted to land! Moore looks to be in bad shape after that blow!
Louis lands a solid cross!
That blast sent Archie Moore reeling into the ropes!
Louis has Moore cornered!
Moore takes a heavy combination downstairs.
Moore was shaken again by those blows!
Moore is now taking a vicious beating ...
Ref Mercante, Jr. wraps his arms around Moore ... He's saving him from further punishment.
It's a TKO win for Louis here in Round 5!

Here's Johnny Addie with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Referee has stopped the bout with 2:02 gone in Round 5. Your winner is ... Joe Louis!

Joe Louis - Record: 4-0-0 (3) & Archie Moore - Record: 0-4-0
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Old 04-03-2020, 01:45 AM   #138
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Bout 134 - Ron Lyle versus Karl Mildenberger

Round 2 Commentary

Lyle rushes out at the bell. Whatever his corner said to him seems to have him fired up.
Lyle moves into a neutral corner.
Mildenberger's jab connects to Lyle's head
Mildenberger fires a light jab to the stomach
Mildenberger is trying to move in behind the jab, which lands again.
Mildenberger lands a hook to head, then just misses with a follow up cross.
Mildenberger lands a hard hook!
Lyle looks shaken!
Upstairs and downstairs! Mildenberger lands two quick blows and then moves away from Lyle's counters.
Oh! There's a wicked right by Ron Lyle. He had some steam on that punch!
But Mildenberger really buried a punch into Lyle's ribs as a follow-up.
Lyle retreats into a neutral corner.
Lyle takes a cross to the head from Karl Mildenberger.
Lyle is hurt! Mildenberger is a decent finisher, but sometimes he gets too excited and just wings wild punches.
Lyle cannot fend for himself! He’s taking a beating now!
Ref Griffin is waving his arms! He's stopping the fight!
Mildenberger is the winner on a TKO!

We go to the ring where J.D. Lyons is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by technical knockout at the 2:34 mark in Round 2 is ... Karl Mildenberger!

Karl Mildenberger - Record: 1-3-0 (1) & Ron Lyle - Record: 1-2-1
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Old 04-03-2020, 04:12 AM   #139
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Bout 135 - Rocky Marciano versus Ray Mercer

Round 4

Marciano lands a hard uppercut to the head and Mercer is down!!
Referee Garry picks up the count …
The count is at 2 as Mercer struggles to his knees.
Mercer looked as though he was not going to get up but the bell saves him.

Round 6

Mercer walks into a combination and folds like an accordion. He went down section by section.
Rocky Marciano is ushered to a neutral corner by Garry and the count begins ...
At 5, Mercer is back up as Garry counts off the mandatory 8.

Round 8

OH my! Marciano lands a huge uppercut and Mercer hits the canvas.
Garry crouches over Mercer and begins to count ...
At 6, Ray Mercer rolls over and is trying to push himself up but will he have enough strength and time to do it?
At 8, "Merciless Ray" somehow regains his feet as Garry administers the mandatory standing 8 count.

Round 10

A beautiful cross to the chin sends Mercer to the canvas for the 4th time!
Garry begins the count ...
At 4, Mercer is back up but his eyes have that vacant look about them. Mercer will take an 8 count here.
Garry wipes Mercer's gloves as he asks him if he wants the fight to go on ... Ray Mercer nods his head and the action resumes.

Round 11

Marciano lands a vicious hook and down goes Mercer!
Garry starts the count ...
At 5, Mercer rises to his feet as Garry starts the mandatory 8 count.
Garry seems convinced that Mercer is ok, and the fight will continue!
Marciano can’t let Ray Mercer off the hook, now that he has him hurt again!
Marciano connects with a thundering combination and Mercer drops to the canvas for the 6th time!
Garry starts counting ...
Mercer makes it to his feet at 4. Now he has a chance to clear his head as Garry administers the mandatory 8 count.
The fight will go on as Garry deems Mercer is fit to continue.
There's still time for Marciano to finish Mercer if he can do it.
Mercer's legs are wobbly after being down in each of the last two rounds.
That hook by Marciano jarred Mercer!
Rocky Marciano whiffs with the combination.
Rocky Marciano fires a lead right that Mercer manages to avoid.

Round 12

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
A minute wasn't enough to eliminate or even significantly reduce Mercer's swelling!
Marciano moves into the upper left corner & all he needs to do is stay away as he has won this fight.
Mercer misses with the combination.
Mercer tries a straight right that's blocked by the gloves of Marciano.
Marciano telegraphed that shot and Mercer ducks under it easily.
Mercer is off target with that uppercut.
That was a violent straight right by Marciano!
Mercer drops his shoulder as if to throw a right, then quickly rips a quick left hook to the body.
The fighters move to ring center & Marciano is on his bicycle.
Marciano is protecting the body nicely as Mercer fails to score inside.
The final round concludes and we're going to have to await a decision to find out who won this contest.

And here with the call is Jimmy Lennon …

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Robert Watson, United States scores the fight 118 to 103

Daniel Talon, France scores the bout 117 to 104

Henk Meijers, Netherlands scores it 118 to 103

The winner by unanimous decision … and still undefeated … Rocky Marciano!

Rocky Marciano - Record: 4-0-0 (2) & Ray Mercer - Record: 0-4-0
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Old 04-03-2020, 10:04 AM   #140
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Bout 136 - Buster Mathis versus Jimmy Young

Round 11 Commentary

Mathis is off his stool and waiting for the bell to begin Round 11.
Mathis fires and misses.
Young sneaks home the right cross.
OH! Young landed the big hook flush!
Buster Mathis was stunned by that blow!
Mathis is starting to carry his arms lower ... he's tired & could be hurt. That's dangerous!
Some nice infighting ends with Mathis getting an uppercut in.
Young lands a powerful cross right on the button!
Mathis is reeling after that shot!
Young fires a volley of punches but Mathis was already moving laterally and was out of harm's way.
Young tries to double up on the jab but neither hit the mark.
Mathis looks to his corner.
Young doesn't connect with the jab.
Mercy! Mathis lands a vicious hook and down goes Young!
Referee Rosato motions Mathis to a neutral corner and starts the count ...
The referee reaches 10 as Young can't get up in time!
Mathis embraces his corner as they celebrate his knockout win here in Round 11!

We go to the ring where Dean Stone is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Your winner by knockout at the conclusion of Round 11 is ... Buster Mathis!

Buster Mathis - Record: 1-2-1 (1) & Jimmy Young - Record: 1-3-0
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