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Old 03-12-2020, 05:57 AM   #81
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Fight 78 - George Chuvalo versus Nikolay Valuev

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
Whitey Bimstein knows Chuvalo lost that last round, but he took the postive approach between rounds.
A minute wasn't enough to eliminate or even significantly reduce Valuev's eye swelling.
Chuvalo lands a strong hook!
Valuev looks shaken!
Chuvalo lands a wicked combination!
Those shots all landed square and Valuev felt them, he's in a world of hurt!
The increased swelling around the right eye of Valuev is fast becoming a hindrance.
The crowd comes to its feet as Chuvalo and Valuev engage in a furious exchange. Advantage Valuev!
Valuev lands a short-left hook to the head.
Valuev seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The final round concludes and we're going to have to await a decision to find out who won this contest.

Here's Bob Alexander with the call ...

Ladies and Gentleman, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Don Griffin, United States has it even at 114 to 114 - Even

Erkki Meronen, Finland scores the bout 115 to 113 for Nikolay Valuev

Jerry Jakubco, United States scores the bout 114 to 114 - Even

We have a majority draw!

George Chuvalo - Record: 1-1-1 & Nikolay Valuev - Record: 1-1-1

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Old 03-12-2020, 02:04 PM   #82
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Fight 79 - Randall Cobb versus Mike Tyson

Round 6 Commentary

We await the bell, signaling the start of Round 6. There it is!
Mike Tyson fires a left hand that Cobb takes high on the shoulder.
Tyson connects with a violent combination!
Cobb is in big trouble and he does not look very steady!
Look out! That was a straight right by Cobb!
Tyson is just looking for a place to fall after that shot!
Cobb slides into the corner ...
Tyson rips Cobb to the body with a sharp uppercut.
Tyson works his way inside and scores with a hook to the body.
Tyson and Cobb are both throwing wildly, a nice flurry, with Tyson having the edge.
Tyson's fans are here in force tonight, cheering everything he does.
Tyson lands a lead right to the midsection.
Tyson shoots a vicious cross right down the pipe and catches Cobb flush!
Cobb was rattled by those shots and he is in a world of hurt!
Tyson doubled up on the hook. Did you see the water fly off Cobb's head?
That punch really rocked Cobb!
Tyson shoots the jab, followed by a nice cross.
Tyson lands a vicious cross!
Hide the women and children, that punch nearly took Cobb's head off and he is in a world of trouble!!
And Referee Scott throws himself between the fighters! It's over!!
This fight ends at 2:52 of the 6th round, your winner by TKO ... Mike Tyson!!!

We go to the ring where Damian Pinto is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Referee has stopped the bout with 2:52 gone in Round 6. Your winner is ... Mike Tyson!

Mike Tyson - Record: 2-0-1 (2) & Randall Cobb - Record: 0-3-0

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Old 03-12-2020, 02:39 PM   #83
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Fight 80 - Gerrie Coetzee versus Tony Tucker

Round 1 Commentary

The crowd is anticipating a good fight tonight as the bell sounds for Round 1.
Coetzee is motioning with his gloves for Tucker to bring it on, but he is not doing much either.
Tucker telegraphed that shot and Coetzee ducks under it easily.
Wow! That shot by Coetzee landed like a lightning bolt!
Tucker is down on his back!!!
Referee Vann picks up the count from the timekeeper ...
Tucker is desperately trying to stand as the count hits 10 but he is badly hurt.
He's not going to make it. Tony Tucker gave it a valiant effort, but he can't regain his feet!
He is counted out here in the 1st round!!!

Dean Stone has the call...

Ladies and gentlemen!

The victor by knockout at 0:46 of the 1st round ... Gerrie Coetzee!

Gerrie Coetzee - Record: 3-0-0 (1) & Tony Tucker - Record: 1-2-0
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Old 03-12-2020, 07:39 PM   #84
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Fight 81 - Gerry Cooney versus Tony Tubbs

Round 12 Commentary

We go to the last round, as the bell sounds to start the 12th.
Cooney has Tubbs trapped in the lower right neutral corner...
You could feel the breeze after that miss by Cooney!
Tubbs appears to have this fight under control through 11.
Cooney scores with a hard, snapping jab.
Tubbs backs into a neutral corner.
Tubbs glances a hook off Cooney's side.
Referee Podgorski is prodding both men to mix it up as the action has really slowed.
A cross to body by Tubbs gets through.
Tubbs seems to have done enough to win this fight.
Call it a night, sports fans, because this fight is over! Let's see who gets the nod from the judges ...
And here with the call is Lupe Contreras …

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision...

Debra Barnes, United States has it 116 to 113

Luca Montella, Italy sees the fight 115 to 114

Michael Fischer, Germany scores the bout 116 to 113

The winner by unanimous decision is Tony Tubbs!

Tony Tubbs - Record: 2-1-0 & Gerry Cooney - Record: 1-2-0 (1)
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Old 03-12-2020, 08:37 PM   #85
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Fight 82 - Henry Cooper versus James Tillis

Round 7 Commentary

Angelo Dundee was really animated in Tillis's corner and Tillis was nodding in agreement.
The swelling on the face of Tillis is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
Cooper scores to both the head and body and then moves away.
Cooper is receiving a lot of encouragement from his corner.
Cooper drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
Tillis is hurt!
Tillis's left eye continues to swell alarmingly, and it's got to be affecting his vision.
Tillis is trying to avoid shots to the body, but He better get his hands up!
Cooper lands a devastating uppercut!
Tillis is suddenly in trouble!
James Tillis scores with a nice short hook inside the defense of Cooper.
Henry Cooper bangs the uppercut home.
Tillis lands a jab to Cooper's midsection
Tillis fires and connects.
The crowd is standing on its feet. Both fighters shoot their gloves skyward!
Cooper catches Tillis coming in with a sweet uppercut!
Tillis's eyes are glazed over after that shot, he is definitely hurt!
Cooper scores with a nice right cross.
A brutal hook from Cooper connects to the solar plexus!
Tillis is suddenly in trouble!
A hook to the jaw has Tillis hurt he stumbles forward and he's down!!
Ref Andrade picks up the count from the timekeeper ...
Tillis is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet at 7.
James Tillis is out, it's all over as Cooper takes the win via knockout in the 7th round!

And here with the call is Joe Humphries …

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The time of the stoppage is 2:48 of round number 7. The winner by knockout is ... Henry Cooper!

Henry Cooper - Record: 1-2-0 (1) & James Tillis - Record: 0-3-0
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Old 03-12-2020, 09:04 PM   #86
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Fight 83 - Michael Dokes versus Pinklon Thomas

Round 12 Commentary

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
The swelling on the face Dokes looks slightly less severe, thanks to a great job by his corner man.
Thomas goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Dokes back on his heels!
Dokes was shaken by that blow!
Dokes's left eye is turning ugly as the swelling under it worsens.
Dokes takes a hard combination from Thomas!
How is Dokes standing after those shots?
Dokes lands a strong hook!
Pinklon Thomas is suddenly in trouble!
Both fighters are gassed as the fight ends with the ringing of the bell.

Let's go to Jeff Connor for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

John Rupert, United States scores it 113 to 113 - Even

Mark Green, England scores the bout 114 to 113 for Pinklon Thomas

Gus Mercurio, Australia has it even at 113 to 113 - Even

We have a majority draw!

Michael Dokes - Record: 1-1-1 & Pinklon Thomas - Record: 2-0-1 (1)
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Old 03-13-2020, 11:16 AM   #87
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Fight 84 - Buster Douglas versus Ernie Terrell

Round 12 Commentary

As the bell sounds for the final round, it looks as if the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.
Douglas's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Terrell is challenging Douglas to fight him and quit clinching.
Terrell lands a devastating hook!
Douglas is suddenly in trouble!
Douglas doesn't have much left ...
Both fighters keep straying from ring center. Now they're back in the middle of the square.
This has not been one for the ages, as both fighters have been very tentative the entire fight.
Terrell slips in a quick cross.
Douglas brushes the ropes and quickly spins away, heading back to ring center.
There's a straight right by Douglas!
Terrell appears shaken by that punch!
Douglas is trying to move in behind the jab, which lands.
The fighters are trading punches and Terrell seems to have won that exchange.
Terrell appears to have an edge in this fight.
And there's the final bell! This fight's in the hands of the judges now ...

Here's Jimmy Lennon with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Michael Lee, South Korea scores the fight 115 to 113

Arthur Mercante, United States scores it 115 to 113

Ken Morita, Japan scores the bout 115 to 113

And your winner by unanimous decision … Ernie Terrell!

Ernie Terrell - Record: 3-0-0 & James “Buster” Douglas - Record: 2-1-0 (1)
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:19 PM   #88
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Fight 85 - Jimmy Ellis versus John Tate

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the last round of the bout.
Ellis appears to have this fight totally under control.
The swelling that Tate has is still very noticeable even after being worked on.
Tate pins Jimmy Ellis in the corner!
Tate lands a strong hook!
Now Ellis catches Tate coming in with a sweet uppercut!
The swelling under Tate's right eye is growing to a point where the eye could end up shut!
Ellis lands a wicked combination!
Tate's hurt, the last punch in that flurry stopped him cold!
There has to be something done about the swelling around Tate's right eye as it continues to worsen.
John Tate fires a cross and that connects.
That cross from Tate nearly spun Ellis's head around, that was a brutal shot!
Ellis ties up Tate. He’s got to get on his horse & just stay away as he has the fight under control.
Jen-Kin has to break them apart.
Ellis scores with a nice right cross.
Ellis scores with a cross, though it did not land flush.
Ellis looks for a breather; he grabs Tate and holds on. Oh! Tate pushes Ellis off and headbutts him!
That was a blatant headbutt by Tate and Jen-Kin has stopped the action to scold him!
Ellis takes a step back and reaches toward his head after what appeared to be an obviously intentional head butt from Tate!
The referee is moving in to admonish Tate . . . oh, man! Ellis is trying to push past the ref and get to Tate.
This has become ugly as Jen-Kin brings the fighters back together and there is the bell thank goodness!
This one's gone the distance and we'll await the decision of the judges ...

Here's Ray Connelly with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Terry Smith, United States scores it 117 to 111

Manuel Rodriguez, Colombia has it 117 to 111

Victor Cervantes, Mexico scores the fight 117 to 111

The winner by unanimous decision … Jimmy Ellis!

Jimmy Ellis - Record: 3-0-0 (1) & John Tate - Record: 0-3-0

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Old 03-13-2020, 02:00 PM   #89
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Fight 86 - Alfredo Evangelista versus Michael Spinks

Round 4

It's Round 4 of this scheduled 12 rounder.
Spinks flicks three quick jabs and at least one got through.
Looking at their faces, you wouldn't know these two were in a fight.
Evangelista flicks a jab to Spinks's stomach
Spinks plants a cross on Evangelista's rib cage.
The two fighters have chosen to work on the inside and it's Evangelista who scores with a short hook.
Michael Spinks scores to the body with a jab
Spinks lands another stinging jab.
A hard uppercut from Evangelista lands flush.
Evangelista moves into the lower corner.
A beautiful cross to the chin by Spinks sends Alfredo Evangelista to the canvas!
Ref Milham crouches over Evangelista as he starts the count …
At 9, Evangelista finds his legs and stands up but who knows how long he will be able to remain vertical!
Milham motions to both boxers to come together, as he allows the fight to continue.
Spinks scores with a rapid fire combination.
I don't think there's time for Spinks to finish Evangelista this round.
Michael Spinks is trying to move in behind the jab, which lands.
The Bell Rings ending Round 4 as the crowd really came to life after Spinks scored that knockdown.

Round 12

There are 3:00 more minutes of fighting to go in the 12th and final round.
The swelling on the face of Evangelista is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
The swelling on the face of Spinks is noticeable, even at a distance.
Spinks is hitting with his shoulder in close and Milham has seen enough as he issues a warning.
Both fighters look fatigued ...
That hook to the body from Spinks had some power behind it.
Evangelista scores with a quick one-two to Spinks's midsection
Spinks is giving Evangelista a lot of side-to-side movement.
Spinks is flicking the jab, trying to keep Evangelista at long range.
Spinks appears to have a very slight advantage in this fight.
The crowd would have liked to seen a knockout, but not tonight as the bell sounds ending Round 12 ...

We go to the ring where Johnny Addie is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Leo Birnbaum, United States scores the bout 115 to 113 for Michael Spinks

Harold Lederman, United States scores the bout 114 to 113 for Alfredo Evangelista

Rick Saull, Canada scores the bout 114 to 113 for ... Your winner by split decision … Michael Spinks!

Michael Spinks - Record: 1-2-0 & Alfredo Evangelista - Record: 2-1-0 (2)

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Old 03-13-2020, 09:02 PM   #90
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Fight 87 - Zora Folley versus Leon Spinks

Round 7 Commentary

Round 7 is about to begin... There's the bell!
Folley's corner didn't ignore the swelling he's suffered so far in this bout.
Spinks takes a right to the body.
Spinks scores with a hard, snapping jab.
Folley slips inside and lands a hook.
And now it appears as if Spinks's cut is bleeding even worse than before.
The referee appears to be jockeying for position; he's moving more than the fighters.
Apparently, he wants to get a better look at the cut above Spinks's eye. Now, he just steps in and stops the action.
Smoger is escorting Spinks over to the ringside doctor to get an opinion on the severity of the cut.
Well, after talking a long look at Spinks's face, the ringside physician has indicated to the referee that the bout can continue.
Spinks looks a little confused and his corner isn't offering any useful advice.
Now, Folley lands the right hand to the head of Spinks.
Spinks is trying to put his punches together and he tags Folley with a nice combination of punches.
And now Folley is bleeding from that series of punches by Spinks!
Spinks fires the jab. It finds its target.
Folley's vision could be hampered by the ever-increasing swelling under his right eye.
Folley takes a sizzling combination flush to the chin and drops to his hands and knees!!!
Referee Smoger begins the count...
Thats it, the referee counts out Folley here in the 7th!
The crowd is going wild after Spinks's spectacular knockout!!!

Chuck Hull has the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen! The end comes at 2:42 of round 7....The winner by knockout ... Leon Spinks!

Leon Spinks - Record: 1-2-0 (1) & Zora Folley - Record: 2-1-0
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Old 03-13-2020, 09:35 PM   #91
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Fight 88 - George Foreman versus Renaldo Snipes

Round 7 Commentary

Snipes rushes out at the bell. Whatever his corner said to him seems to have him fired up.
However, Snipes's corner didn't ignore the swelling he's suffered so far in this bout.
Gil Clancy was extremely upbeat during the break with Foreman providing some solid encouragement.
Foreman quickly pulls at his trunks.
Foreman is trapped in his own corner ...
The fighters are exchanging blows! Snipes scored more on that exchange.
Foreman lands a strong hook!
Snipes is hurt!
Snipes's vision could be hampered by the ever-increasing swelling under his right eye.
Snipes moves in and scores with a quick jab.
Snipes fires the jab. It finds its target.
Foreman lands a vicious cross!
That shot buckled Snipes's legs and he is really unsteady now, like he could go down at any moment!
Foreman lands a smashing hook!
That shot has Renaldo Snipes hurt!
This fight could be stopped in a punch or two unless Renaldo Snipes shows Burke that he's got something left.
There has to be something done about the swelling around Snipes's right eye as it continues to worsen.
Foreman really packs a wallop and he just landed a brutal shot to the body!
"Big George" Foreman appears to have a pretty good lead at this point.
Snipes hits the deck after a huge cross and he looks hurt.
Burke moves into position over Snipes and begins the count …
It's all over! George Foreman raises his arms in victory as the referee counts 10.

And here with the call is Jimmy Lennon …

Ladies and gentlemen!

The end comes at 2:51 of round 8 ... The winner by knockout ... George Foreman!

George Foreman - Record: 3-0-0 (3) & Renaldo Snipes - Record: 0-3-0

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Old 03-13-2020, 10:36 PM   #92
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Fight 89 - Bob Foster versus James “Bonecrusher” Smith

Round 6 Commentary

Smith looks a bit disgusted as Round 6 gets underway.
Smith's corner men did their job with quiet efficiency and confidence though.
James Smith drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
Smith fires a left hand that Foster takes high on the shoulder.
Foster lands a solid cross!
Smith was rattled by that shot and he is hurt!
A combination to the jaw has Smith hurt he stumbles forward and he's down!!
Ref Assimenios begins the count over Smith as Foster moves to a neutral corner ...
At 5, Smith appears to be ok as he regains his feet as the referee gives him the mandatory standing 8 count.
Assimenios is allowing the fight to continue.
Foster picks up the pace sensing he can get Smith out of there!
OH my!!! Foster lands a huge hook and Smith hits the canvas again.
Assimenios begins counting...
Smith makes it to a knee at the count of 3 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
At 8, Smith is stunned, but he makes it to his feet where he takes the mandatory 8 count.
Smith raises his guard as Assimenios asks him if he wants to continue.
“Bonecrusher” wants to keep on fighting but he still looks hurt.
Smith is badly stunned, and Foster will try to finish him off here in the 6th round!
Smith eats a sizzling hook from Foster that has him backing up!
Foster scores with a solid hook to the head.
James Smith and Foster exchange punches and the crowd roars its approval as “Bonecrusher” gets in the most telling blows.
Foster throws another crushing right to Smith's jaw!
Smith is hurt again by that punch!
Smith cannot fend for himself.
Assimenios pulls Foster off of Smith and he's stopping the fight!!
Bob Foster is the winner by TKO here in the 6th round!

Let's go to Henry Jones for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:53 mark in Round 6. Your winner by TKO … Bob Foster!

Bob Foster - Record: 2-1-0 (2) & James “Bonecrusher” Smith - Record: 0-3-0

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Old 03-13-2020, 11:18 PM   #93
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Fight 90 - Joe Frazier versus Earnie Shavers

Round 4 Commentary

The bell sounds for Round 4.
Wow! A quick opening jab from Shavers stopped Frazier in his tracks.
Looking at their faces, you wouldn't know these two were in a fight.
Frazier comes back & lands a powerful uppercut right on the button!
Frazier has Earnie Shavers in trouble, he is hurt and trying to hang on!!
Joe Frazier connects with a vicious uppercut!
Frazier drops his shoulder as if to throw a right, then quickly rips a quick left hook to the body.
Shavers is gasping for air!!
Frazier lands a devastating cross!
Shavers is reeling ...
Some swelling has appeared around the right eye of Earnie Shavers.
Frazier lets his hands go inside and gets in a hook to Shavers's midsection.
A big cross from Frazier lands with serious impact!
Frazier has Shavers hurt badly; he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Shavers comes back to launch a body shot, then goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Frazier back on his heels!
Frazier seems to have been hurt by that punch!
Oh! Frazier counters with a violent straight right!
Shavers is clutching his side!
Shavers takes a hard cross to the chin from Frazier.
Frazier lands a tremendous hook to the liver and Shavers drops to his knees gasping for air.
The count starts ...
And Shavers can’t get up! Frazier has starched Shavers here in round 4!!!

We go to the ring where Pat Harker is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by knockout at 2:56 of round 4 ... Joe Frazier!

Joe Frazier - Record: 2-1-0 (2) & Earnie Shavers - Record: 0-3-0

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Old 03-14-2020, 09:07 AM   #94
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Fight 91 - Tyson Fury versus Ezzard Charles

Round 1

The referee gives Fury and Charles their instructions, tells them he wants a good, clean fight.
Charles has Tyson Fury cornered already!
Charles cranks up the hook and connects to Fury's jaw, that one had bad intent behind it!
Ezzard Charles has Fury in trouble after that punch!
Charles has Tyson Fury trapped!
Fury takes a hard combination right on the button and he’s down!
Charles is ushered to a neutral corner by Earle and the count begins ...
At 5, Fury is up and looks to be ok as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
The fight will continue as Referee Earle appears satisfied that Fury is OK.
Ezzard Charles senses he has Fury in trouble and he is pouring it on!
Charles lands a wicked uppercut!
Fury appears shaken by that punch!
And Fury is Saved by the Bell!
The knockdown really brought the crowd to life, you can feel the electricity in the air after Round 1!

Round 12

The bell sounds for the last round of the bout.
Charles drills Tyson Fury with a left and right and another left.
Fury works his way inside and scores with a hook to the body.
Fury throws a straight right that glances off the shoulder of Charles but it's enough to keep him off-balance.
There's an even exchange that sees both men score.
Some good body work by Charles, landing several short blows to the ribs.
Charles buries a straight right, followed by a solid left hook to the ribs.
All Charles has to do is get on his bicycle now as he has done enough to win this fight.
This fight is history! The last round is over and we await the decision of the judges ...

Here's Joe Antonacci with the call …

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Juan Carlos Palmieri, Argentina has it 115 to 112

Bobby Wells, United States sees the fight 117 to 111

Victor Salomon, Mexico scores the fight 118 to 110

And your winner by unanimous decision … Ezzard Charles!!!

Ezzard Charles - Record: 3-0-0 (2) & Tyson Fury - Record: 1-2-0

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Old 03-14-2020, 12:14 PM   #95
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Fight 92 - Andrew Golota versus Donovan Ruddock

Round 7 Commentary

The bell starts the action as Golota and Ruddock leave their corners.
Golota's corner men worked their magic on his cut on the right eyebrow.
A quick jab from Golota connects.
Golota fires a short right cross that lands square. That was a nice punch.
Golota throws a crushing right to Ruddock's jaw!
Golota just delivered some big time hurt with that punch! Even the fans at ringside felt it!
Golota scores with the jab.
Ruddock connects with a devastating uppercut to the head, he hits like a Mule!
Golota looks like he might have been hurt by that punch!
And now it appears as if Golota's cut has been reopened by one of those punches that landed.
The gash on the right eyebrow of Golota has reopened and heavy bleeding has ensued.
The fighters jockey back and forth and now the referee is going to use this opportunity to step in and call timeout.
He's taking Andrew Golota by the arm and leading him to the far ropes where the ringside physician can take a look at the cut above Golota's eye.
Well, after talking a long look at Golota's face, the ringside physician has indicated to the referee that the bout can continue.
Ruddock connects with a uppercut to the head.
Andrew Golota seems to be having some difficulty seeing
Referee Hook is halting this fight again.
He steers Andrew Golota to his corner and calls the ring doctor.
The ring doctor is taking a close look at it... Golota's corner is pleading with Hook.
The doctor is shaking his head. The fight is over as Hook calls for the bell!!!
Ruddock is the winner by TKO as the doctor will not let Andrew Golota continue!

We go to the ring where J.D. Lyons is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by technical knockout at the 2:02 mark in Round 7 is ... Donovan Ruddock!

Donovan Ruddock - Record: 1-2-0 (1) & Andrew Golota - Record: 1-2-0 (1)
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Old 03-14-2020, 04:46 PM   #96
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Fight 93 - Larry Holmes versus Jerry Quarry

Round 12 Commentary

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
If the swelling was lessened by Quarry's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Larry Holmes does a great job of moving as Quarry tries to work inside.
Jerry Quarry's jab falls short, but the cross gets in behind it.
Holmes throws the jab and it lands cleanly.
Holmes scores with a nice two-punch combination.
Hard to choose in that exchange as Jerry Quarry and Holmes go blow for blow.
Holmes lands a nicely timed cross to the jaw of Quarry from the outside.
OH! Quarry landed the big hook flush!
Jerry Quarry scores with a short hook to the chest but it may be too little too late.
Holmes seems to have done enough to win this fight.
Call it a night, sports fans, because this fight is over! Let's see who gets the nod from the judges ...

Let's go to Jimmy Lennon Jr. for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Bernard Bruni, United States scores it 116 to 113

Steve Weisfeld, United States has it 117 to 112

David Hess, United States sees the fight 116 to 113

The winner by unanimous decision is Larry Holmes!

Larry Holmes - Record: 3-0-0 (1) & Jerry Quarry - Record: 2-1-0 (1)
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Old 03-14-2020, 07:35 PM   #97
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Fight 94 - Evander Holyfield versus Floyd Patterson

Round 12 Commentary

The fighters touch gloves in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round begins.
Don Turner seemed to pump up Holyfield between rounds.
Danny Florio is just telling Patterson the obvious: throw more punches, move your head, step it up.
Holyfield is mixing his punches well and lands a jab followed by a cross.
Holyfield shuffles slowly forward, constantly pressuring Patterson.
The fighters are at close quarters now as Floyd Patterson lands a hook downstairs.
Holyfield seems to be running out of gas ...
Patterson lands a hook to the head of Holyfield.
OH! Holyfield landed the big hook flush!
Patterson was stunned by that blow!
Patterson retreats to his opponents corner ...
Holyfield goes upstairs with a quick hook to the head that puts Patterson back on his heels!
Patterson was staggered by those punches!
The bell sounds ending the final round and now the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.

Here's Johnny Addie with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Medardo Villalobos, Panama scores the bout 114 to 113 for Floyd Patterson

Tammye Jenkins, United States scores the bout 114 to 113 for Evander Holyfield

Arno Pokrandt, Germany scores the bout 114 to 113 for ... The winner by split decision … Floyd Patterson!

Floyd Patterson - Record: 1-2-0 & Evander Holyfield - Record: 1-2-0 (1)
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:06 PM   #98
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Fight 95 - Ingemar Johansson versus Greg Page

Round 2 Commentary

Shouts of encouragement for both fighters can be heard as the bell rings for Round 2.
Johansson lands a jab to the midsection
The cross scores for Page. He needs to throw that punch more often.
Johansson pounds the body with short punishing hooks.
Johansson eats a left-right from Page.
Johansson doubles up on the jab and he managed to score with the second one.
Page catches Johansson with a hard combination as he's coming in and Johansson drops to the canvas!
That was a tremendous shot by Greg Page!
Ref Jankowiak stands over Johansson and begins counting ...
At 3, Johansson is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
At 9, Johansson makes it to his feet.
Now he has a chance to clear his head as Jankowiak administers the mandatory 8 count.
Jankowiak seems convinced that Ingemar Johansson is ok, and the fight will continue!
Oh My! Ingemar Johansson has been knocked down again with a strong combination by Page!
Jankowiak stands over Johansson and begins the count ...
Johansson is still on the mat as Jankowiak reaches the count of 8.
Johansson is out!!! It's all over as Greg Page gets the win via knockout in the 2nd round!

Here's Amy Hayes with the call ...

Your winner by knockout at the conclusion of Round 2 is ... Greg Page!

Greg Page - Record: 2-1-0 (1) & Ingemar Johansson - Record: 1-1-1
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Old 03-15-2020, 01:15 AM   #99
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Fight 96 - Vitali Klitschko versus Ken Norton

Round 9

That right hand of Norton's definitely packs a wallop and that one landed flush!!
Klitschko is trying to regain his senses after that punch...
A hard cross from Norton and Klitschko is down!!
Moore points Norton to a neutral corner and begins the count over Klitschko...
At 9, Klitschko looks stunned, but he is able to beat the count.
Moore looks closely at Klitschko who indicates he is ok, and the fight will continue...
Klitschko is hurt. He looks like he's ready to go.
Klitschko smothers Norton's attack as Norton tries to get off some shots inside.
Norton lands a brutal cross!
Klitschko staggers into the ropes! He is struggling to remain upright!
There’s the bell ending Round 9 & saving Klitschko!
The knockdown really brought the crowd to life, you can feel the electricity in the air.

Round 10

We will see if Norton can take advantage of the knockdown he scored last round.
Klitschko's swelling looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
And there is the Bell to open Round 10!
Oh! Vitali Klitschko lands a devastating cross!
Norton is reeling after that shot!
And now there’s swelling around Norton's left eye.
Wow! Klitschko takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
That's the shot Norton hoped to land! Klitschko looks bad after that blow!
And Norton tastes the power of a crushing uppercut from Klitschko!
They are going at each other like pitbulls!
Norton is trying to reach for the ropes! His legs have turned to jelly!
Norton lands a smashing hook!
Goodness, what a shot!!! Norton lands a viscous cross!
That shot buckled Klitschko's legs and he is really unsteady now, like he could go down at any moment!
A beautiful hook to the chin sends Klitschko to the canvas!
The count begins ...
At 5, Vitali Klitschko makes it to his feet. Now he has a chance to clear his head as Moore administers the mandatory 8 count.
Klitschko tries to steady himself as Moore takes a good look at him. he appears to be ok and the fight will go on!
The round's over but the effects of the knockdown on the crowd linger as many of them remain on their feet!

Round 11

Norton lands a crushing uppercut!
Klitschko is just looking for a place to fall after that shot!
Klitschko just landed a three punch combo!
Norton took far too many hard shots from Klitschko in that flurry and he is hurt!
Norton finds a home for his jab, keeping Klitschko at bay.
That hook by Norton jarred Klitschko!
Ken Norton throws a wild overhand right that lands flush! Klitschko drops to one knee and will take the count!
Referee Moore stands over Klitschko and begins counting ...
Klitschko makes it to a knee at the count of 6 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
At 8, Klitschko finds his legs and stands up while the referee administers the standing 8.
Vitali Klitschko still looks unsteady, but Moore allows him to go on, waving the fighters together.
Norton lands a thudding shot under Klitschko's ribcage and Klitschko crumbles like stale bread.
Moore picks up the count from the timekeeper ...
Klitschko lurches to his feet at the count of 2 but he stumbles and is down on his knees again.
He's making another effort!
At 9, Klitschko lurches to his feet but there's no question that he's hurt.
Moore seems convinced that Klitschko is ok, and the fight will continue!
Norton can’t let Klitschko off the hook, now that he has him hurt!
OH my!!! Norton lands a huge combination and Vitali Klitschko hits the canvas.
And Moore is stopping the fight due to the three knockdown rule!
Norton's your winner by TKO in the 11th!!

Michael Pass has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The Referee has stopped the bout with 2:43 gone in Round 11.

And Your winner is ... Ken Norton!

Ken Norton - Record: 1-1-1 (1) & Vitali Klitschko - Record: 2-1-0 (2)

Last edited by a401kking; 03-15-2020 at 01:18 AM.
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Old 03-15-2020, 04:14 PM   #100
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Fight 97 - Wladimir Klitschko versus Orlin Norris

Round 10

Norris scores to both the head and body and then moves away.
The fighters have worked their way back to the center of the ring.
Norris eats a sizzling hook from Klitschko that has him backing up!
Norris muscles his way inside.
Klitschko lands a vicious combination and Norris collapses like a house of cards!
Ref Davies begins the count ...
At 5, Orlin Norris is back up but his eyes have that vacant look about them. He will take an 8 count here.
Davies seems convinced that Orlin Norris is ok, and the fight will continue!
Klitschko lands a vicious hook and down goes Norris!
Davies crouches over Norris and begins to count ...
The timekeeper rings the bell and Norris is spared to fight another round.
The round is over and the crowd hasn't stopped screaming since the knockdown occurred.

Round 11

Norris’s eyes look good. He seems to be clear-headed after last round's knockdown.
Klitschko lands a wicked hook!
Klitschko has Norris hurt badly, he is just trying to hang on right now!!
Klitschko takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
Klitschko was staggered by those punches!
Oh … Norris hits the deck after a huge uppercut and he looks hurt.
The count begins ...
Norris is desperately trying to stand as the count hits 5 but he is badly hurt.
Norris is going to be saved by the bell again as the round ends.
The noise is deafening in the arena! Nothing like a knockdown to get the adrenaline flowing!

Round 12

There are 3:00 more minutes of fighting to go in the 12th and final round.
Klitschko retreats to his own corner...
Norris connects with a nasty cross!
Klitschko's eye's are glazed over after that shot, he is definitely hurt!
Klitschko rips a hard jab to Norris's body
Norris steals a quick glance at his corner.
Klitschko blasts home a right hand. He telegraphed it but he got away with one there.
Norris scores to Klitschko's midsection with a combination.
Klitschko seems to have done enough to win this fight.
There is the final bell! This fight is in the hands of the judges now ...

We go to the ring where Jimmy Lennon Jr. is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Fred Fensom, United States scores the fight 116 to 109

Chuck Giampa, United States sees the fight 117 to 108

Ricardo Bays, United States scores it 115 to 110

The winner by unanimous decision … Wladimir Klitschko!

Wladimir Klitschko - Record: 3-0-0 & Orlin Norris - Record: 0-3-0
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