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Old 04-05-2020, 01:22 AM   #141
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Bout 137 - Muhammad Ali versus Duane Bobick

Round 1 Commentary

Both fighters leave their corners and advance toward the center of the ring.
Bobick pins Ali in the corner!
Bobick takes a half step back and unleashes a wicked uppercut that lands square.
There's some nice hand speed. Ali fired off a volley of shots, several of which scored.
Both fighters move to ring center.
Muhammad Ali is motioning with his gloves for Bobick to bring it on, but he is not doing much either.
A combination to the jaw has Bobick hurt as he stumbles forward and he's down!!
Ref Mercante, Jr. begins counting ...
At 9, Bobick is back up but his eyes have that vacant look about them.
Mercante, Jr. gives Bobick a quick once over and decides to let the fight go on.
Ali has hurt Bobick early! Bobick is going to have to call on all his tricks to survive with this much time to go.
Bobick is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches! He's down again!!!
The count starts …
At 7, Bobick gets up on one knee and takes the mandatory 8 count before rising.
Mercante, Jr. wipes Bobick's gloves as he asks him if he wants the fight to go on ... Bobick nods his head and the action resumes.
Ali appears to have Bobick out on his feet.
Ali rains a combination of blows to the head and body of Bobick and Bobick tastes the canvas for the final time in Round 1!
It's over!!! That's Bobick's third trip to the deck this round and Ali is the winner by TKO!!
Wow! That was quick & what a display of power by Ali!!!

J.D. Lyons has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 1:45 mark in Round 1. Your winner by TKO is ... Muhammad Ali!

Muhammad Ali - Record: 5-0-0 (3) & Duane Bobick - Record: 3-2-0 (3)
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Old 04-05-2020, 10:12 AM   #142
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Bout 138 - Trevor Berbick versus Jimmy Bivins

Round 3

The bell starts the action as Berbick and Bivins leave their corners.
Berbick is still trying to find the range with his punches. He's just missing with some of his shots.
Bivins splits Berbick's gloves with an uppercut.
Bivins scores with a punch that's part uppercut, part hook!
Bivins has Berbick trapped!
Bivins connects with a thundering hook and Berbick drops to the canvas!
Ref Jankowiak positions himself over Berbick and starts the count ...
At 6, Berbick is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
At 9, Trevor Berbick is very, very shaky as he gets to his feet.
His eyes have a vacant stare to them as Jankowiak moves in to wipe his gloves.
Jankowiak looks closely at Berbick who indicates he is ok, and the fight will continue ...

Round 12

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
The swelling on the face of Berbick is noticeable, even at a distance.
Bivins ties up Berbick ...
Jankowiak moves in to break the clinch.
Berbick steps back as he tries to create some punching room.
Berbick fires away but finds nothing but air.
Bivins shoots the right home. That's a sneaky punch.
Berbick is trapped in his own corner...
Bivins is in constant motion as he is just staying away now. He is a hard fighter to corner.
Some nifty bodywork by Bivins as he scores with several shots from the inside.
Berbick can't score with short uppercut inside. Bivins got his gloves in front of the punch.
Bivins scores with a hook to the body but he misses when he tries to double up with it.
Bivins lands a jab to Berbick's midsection
Now Bivins's jab connects to Berbick's head. He has done enough to win this fight!
Bivins scores with a cross, though it did not land flush.
Berbick throws a cross to the head, then digs a hook to the body.
This fight is history! The last round is over, and we await the decision of the judges ...

And here with the call is Amy Hayes …

Ladies and Gentlmen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Marty Denkin, United States scores the fight 117 to 110

Dave Moretti, United States scores it 116 to 111

Richard DeCarufel, Canada has it 115 to 112

The winner by unanimous decision … Jimmy Bivins!

Jimmy Bivins - Record: 4-1-0 (1) & Trevor Berbick - Record: 1-4-0 (1)
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Old 04-05-2020, 12:22 PM   #143
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Bout 139 - Tyrell Biggs versus Jimmy Young

Round 11

Biggs looks to be in fair shape as Round 11 gets underway. Young looks good.
Young unleashes a flurry of rights and lefts, but only a few get through.
Hide the china because Biggs is like a bull in there, charging forward with reckless abandon.
Young slides into his own corner ...
Young picks off the jab thrown by Biggs.
Biggs snakes the jab through Young's gloves. He had some snap on that one.
Tyrell Biggs muscles his way inside.
Biggs catches Jimmy Young with a hard hook as he's coming in and Young drops to the canvas!
Wow! A tremendous shot by Biggs!
Referee Nady stands over Young and starts the count ...
At 5, Nady continues to count and Young isn't even moving.
At 9, Young still looks shaky after getting up from the knockdown and Nady is taking a long look at him.
Nady looks closely at Young who indicates he is ok, and the fight will continue ...
Young is badly stunned, and Biggs will try to finish him off here in the 11th round!
Both of these fighters are really laboring now but that knockdown by Biggs may win him this fight ...
Biggs's not even close with the jab.
There appears to be increased swelling under Young's left eye.
Biggs launches a right-cross to the body.
Young is hurt. He's lucky this round is almost over as Biggs looks to end it!
Tyrell Biggs doesn't connect with another cross though.
Young is clutching his side!
There’s the bell saving Jimmy Young!

Round 12

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
Young got quite a pep talk in his corner; we'll see if Jack DeForrest's instructions work.
Young's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Young has dynamite in those fists and he lands a wicked hook downstairs!
Tyrell Biggs in on unsteady legs after those punches.
The fighters are tangled up inside. Young has a hand free and lands a little uppercut.
Biggs moves into the left corner.
A brutal uppercut from Young connects to the solar plexus!
Biggs looks shaken!
Young glances a hook off Biggs's side.
The knockdown suffered by Young should have made that last round Biggs's by a wide margin.
Young and Biggs are in a clinch, Nady hollers at them to break and start fighting.
Biggs gets in close and comes straight up to the chin of Young with an uppercut.
Biggs fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
Biggs takes a hard combination from Young but time is running out for Jimmy Young!
Biggs bobs and weaves his way inside and lets his hands go, scoring with a hook.
Biggs swings ... and misses.
Biggs has Young cornered!
Biggs throws a leaping shot that fails to hit the target.
Both fighters look finished as the fight ends with the ringing of the bell ...

And here with the call is Ray Connelly …

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Duane Ford, United States scores the fight 116 to 114

Paul Smith, United States scores the bout 115 to 114

Larry Layton, United States has it 117 to 114

The winner by unanimous decision … Tyrell Biggs!

Tyrell Biggs - Record: 2-3-0 (1) & Jimmy Young - Record: 1-4-0
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Old 04-06-2020, 01:51 AM   #144
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Bout 140 - Oscar Bonavena versus Tim Witherspoon

Round 10

Witherspoon looks to be in fair shape as Round 10 gets underway.
Oh WOW! Tim Witherspoon hits the deck after a huge combination and he looks hurt.
Ref Abainza begins the count ...
Tim Witherspoon is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 7.
At 9, Witherspoon somehow regains his feet as Abainza administers the mandatory standing 8 count.
Abainza waves the two fighters together.
Witherspoon picks off the uppercut by Bonavena.
Witherspoon slides into a neutral corner...
You could feel the breeze after that miss by Bonavena!
"Ringo" lands a paralyzing combination!
Witherspoon's hurt as the last punch in that flurry stopped him cold!
Witherspoon is blocked in his own corner...
Bonavena swings ... and misses.
Oscar Bonavena leans on the ropes and motions for Witherspoon to come in.
Bonavena tries to get the hook into the the ribs, but Tim Witherspoon blocks it.
A lead right scores big for Witherspoon. He stunned Bonavena with that one.
Witherspoon is protecting the body nicely as Bonavena fails to score inside.
And there’s the Bell ending Round 10!

Round 12

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
Tim Witherspoon gets off a jab to the solar plexus
The cross scores for Witherspoon. He needs to throw that punch more often.
Witherspoon continues to pop the jab
Tim Witherspoon looks to land an uppercut but misses the mark.
A perfect right cross from Witherspoon stops Bonavena dead in his tracks!
Witherspoon needs to win this round …
Bonavena misses with the jab.
Witherspoon shoots the right home. That's a sneaky punch.
Witherspoon is trying to move in behind the jab, which lands.
Bonavena misses as Witherspoon backpedals away.
There's a wicked cross to the stomach by Witherspoon. He had some steam on that punch.
A straight cross from Witherspoon gets through Bonavena's guard.
Bonavena staggers backwards after that clash of heads inside.
Witherspoon lands a hard cross!
Bonavena seems to have done enough to win this fight but this is Witherspoon’s best round!
Both fighters look finished as the fight ends with the ringing of the bell ...

Let's go to Billy Jordan for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Manuel Rodriguez, Colombia scores the fight 116 to 111

John Wilson, United States scores the bout 115 to 113

Richard Flaherty, United States sees the fight 116 to 112

The winner by unanimous decision … Oscar Bonavena!

Oscar Bonavena - Record: 3-2-0 (2) & Tim Witherspoon - Record: 3-2-0 (2)
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Old 04-06-2020, 10:15 PM   #145
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Bout 141 - Riddick Bowe versus Carl “The Truth” Williams

Round 5 Commentary

The seconds hurry out of Bowe's corner as the bell sounds for Round 5.
Bowe tries to give angles as he continues his relentless forward motion.
Whatever Al Mitchell said to him in the corner between rounds must have worked as Bowe has some spring in his step.
Williams moves into a neutral corner.
Riddick Bowe throws a hook to the ribs with authority.
Williams retreats into a neutral corner.
Bowe lands a powerful cross right on the button!
That blow connected solidly to the head of Williams and he is stunned!
Bowe pins Williams in the corner!
Bowe drops his shoulder as if to throw a right, then quickly rips a quick left hook to the body.
Williams is clutching his side!
There appears to be increased swelling under Williams's right eye too.
The fighters are at ring center...
A big uppercut from Bowe lands with serious impact!
Williams is hurt by that punch!
Williams has a sudden recovery & pummels Bowe, capping off his assault with a stiff cross!
That shot buckled Bowe's legs and he is really unsteady now, like he could go down at any moment!
OH! Bowe rains a combination of blows to the head and body of Williams and Williams tastes the canvas here in Round 5!
What an exchange of power punches by both fighters …
Ref Drakulich begins the counting ...
The referee could have counted to 100 if he wanted. Williams is out cold here in round 5!!!

We go to the ring where J.D. Lyons is ready with the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen!

The victor by knockout at 2:15 of the 5th round ... and still undefeated all by KO … Riddick Bowe!

Riddick Bowe - Record: 5-0-0 (5) & Carl Williams - Record: 1-4-0

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Old 04-07-2020, 02:31 AM   #146
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Bout 142 - Frank Bruno versus Cleveland Williams

Round 9

Williams lands a vicious cross and down goes Bruno!
Referee Earle points Williams to a neutral corner and begins the count over Bruno ...
The count reaches 3 as Bruno is struggling to climb off the deck.
At 9, Frank Bruno still looks shaky after getting up from the knockdown and Earle is taking a long look at him.
Earle asks Bruno if he wants to continue... He nods that he can.
Williams fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
Williams tries to get the hook into the ribs, but Bruno blocks it.
Williams pins Bruno in the corner!
Williams fires and misses.
The crowd really came to life after Williams scored that knockdown.

Round 11

It's anybody's fight here in the last two rounds.
OH! Williams goes down!! He walked right into a wicked hook from Bruno at the get go!!
The count begins ...
Williams makes it to a knee at the count of 8 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
At 9, Williams finds his legs and stands up but who knows how long he will be able to remain vertical!
Williams looks to have steadied himself and Earle will allow the fight to continue...
Bruno senses he has Williams in trouble and he is pouring it on!
Bruno launches a wild overhand blow from the cheap seats and it lands with a sickening thud!
Williams was stopped cold by that series of shots!
Williams moves into a neutral corner.
A hard cross from Bruno and Williams is down again!!
Earle crouches over Cleveland Williams as he starts the count …
At 8, Williams is back on his feet! He now has to take the mandatory 8.
This fight is going to be allowed to continue. However, one has to wonder how much more punishment Williams can take.
And there’s the bell saving Williams!

Round 12

The fighters touch gloves in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round begins.
Bruno looks to land a jab but misses the mark.
Bruno wraps up Williams ... Neither fighter will break ...
Look out! That was a straight right by Bruno!
Williams seems to be in big trouble after that blow ...
Bruno connects with a devastating uppercut to the head; he hits like a Mule!
Williams slides into the corner ...
Bruno doubles up on the jab and he managed to score with the second one.
Cleveland Williams's mouthpiece is hanging out …
He's really laboring, and I don't think he's got anything left!
Wow! A hook from Bruno snapped Williams's head back violently!
Bruno sent Williams reeling with that punch!
And Williams has been knocked down with a strong cross!
Earle picks up the count from the timekeeper ...
At 6, Williams is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
Williams can't regain his feet! His legs just won't support him. Williams rolls over on his back ...
Frank Bruno wins by knockout here late in Round 12!

Let's go to Jake Gutierrez for the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen!

The victor by knockout at 2:52 of the 12th & Final Round ... Frank Bruno!

Frank Bruno - Record: 3-2-0 (2) & Cleveland Williams - Record: 1-4-0 (1)
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Old 04-07-2020, 03:34 PM   #147
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Bout 143 - Joe Bugner versus Deontay Wilder

Round 12 Commentary

As the bell sounds for the final round, it looks as if the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.
Bugner just comes up short with an opening uppercut.
Bugner fires away but finds nothing but air.
Wilder lands the uppercut but there wasn't much on it.
Bugner has his arms wrapped around Wilder... Now they separate.
Ref Abainza moves them apart.
There's a sudden halt in the action and we're not sure why.
Oh, apparently there's some concern on the part of Referee Abainza about the amount of blood on the face of Bugner.
Even though the damage isn't over either of Bugner's eyes, it's been deemed serious enough to have the ringside physician at least look at it.
The ringside doctor is dabbing at the blood, trying to determine the severity of the wound.
He's saying something to the referee and from the reaction of Bugner, it must be positive.
Yep, this fight's going to continue as both fighters receive instructions to resume the mayhem here in round 12.
Wilder can't find the range as he tries to work the body.
Bugner gets in a lead cross to Wilder's body.
Bugner is really fluid in his movement.
Wilder leaves the jab just short.
Wilder has Bugner trapped!
Wilder throws a flurry of punches but Bugner either blocks or slips them.
The crowd is letting the fighters know they want to see some action.
Wilder is off target with that jab.
This fight is going to the scorecards as the bell sounds ending Round 12 ...

Let's go to Amy Hayes for the call ...

Ladies and Gentelmen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Jesse Reyes, United States sees the fight 116 to 113

Jose Rivera, Puerto Rico scores the fight 116 to 113

Larry Layton, United States scores it 118 to 113

And your winner by unanimous decision … Joe Bugner!!!

Joe Bugner - Record: 2-2-1 & Deontay Wilder - Record: 0-5-0
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Old 04-08-2020, 02:31 AM   #148
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Bout 144 - Chris Byrd versus Chuck Wepner

Round 7

Wepner was a little slow getting off his stool this round.
Whatever Joe Byrd said to him in the corner between rounds must have had some effect as Byrd has some spring in his step here in the 7th round.
Wepner is forced into his own corner ...
Byrd scores with a cross, though it did not land flush.
Byrd lands a paralyzing uppercut!
Wepner is badly hurt!
Wepner takes a heavy combination downstairs.
That swelling under the left eye of Wepner is definitely getting worse.
Byrd rains a combination of blows to the head and body of Chuck Wepner and Wepner tastes the canvas here in Round 7!
Ref Cappuccino stands over Wepner and begins the count ...
At 5, Wepner is back up but his eyes have that vacant look about them. Chuck Wepner will take an 8 count here.
Wepner appears to be badly shaken, but Cappuccino is going to allow the fight to go on.
There's time for Byrd to finish Wepner if he can do it.
Byrd lands with a short, quick uppercut in close.
Byrd lets his hands go inside, but Wepner protects his body well.
Byrd is holding on to Wepner. He seems to be taking a breather.
Cappuccino must break the clinch.
Byrd looks to his corner.
The round's over and the crowd hasn't stopped screaming since the knockdown occurred.

Round 12

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
The swelling on the face of Wepner is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
Al Braverman was screaming at Wepner between rounds trying to get him fired up.
Byrd gets in close and comes straight up to the chin of Wepner with an uppercut.
Byrd splits Wepner's gloves with another uppercut.
Byrd is really focused in this round.
Wepner is finally putting his punches together, scoring well with combinations but a little too late.
Wepner looks to his corner. They need a knockout here.
Byrd connects with a stiff right jab.
Byrd catches Wepner with an uppercut as he tries to duck.
Byrd bangs away with both hands and another nice uppercut finds a home.
The final seconds of Round 12 expire, and this bout is going to go to the scorecards ...

Here's Johnny Addie with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Manuel Rodriguez, Colombia has it 117 to 111

Lynne Carter, United States scores the fight 118 to 110

Adelaide Byrd, United States scores it 117 to 111

The winner by unanimous decision is … Chris Byrd!

Chris Byrd - Record: 3-1-1 & Chuck Wepner - Record: 0-5-0
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Old 04-10-2020, 04:43 PM   #149
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Bout 145 - George Chuvalo versus Mike Weaver

Round 3 Commentary

Both fighters look ready to go as Round 3 begins.
Chuvalo fires and misses.
Weaver lands a powerful cross right on the button!
Mercy! that was a crushing blow! George Chuvalo is trying to hang on ...
Chuvalo misses with the left and then fails to connect with the right as well.
Chuvalo goes downstairs with a series of hard blows. He wasn’t hurt as much as we thought.
Chuvalo doubled up on the hook. Did you see the water fly off Weaver's head?
Weaver seems to have been hurt by those hooks!
They are back in the center of the ring once again …
Chuvalo launches a wild overhand blow from the cheap seats and it lands with a sickening thud!
Weaver is badly hurt!
Chuvalo pins Weaver in the corner!
The fighters are at close quarters now as Chuvalo lands a hook downstairs.
Chuvalo is raining blows down on Weaver, who is obviously hurt.
Chuvalo wants to take the decision out of the hands of the judges and he has a chance to do just that!
Chuvalo feels his back touch the ropes and immediately moves back to the middle of the ring. He doesn't want to get trapped there.
A big cross from Chuvalo lands with serious impact!
Weaver walks into a cross and folds like an accordion. He went down section by section.
Referee Padilla starts the count ...
Weaver is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 7.
And Weaver can't regain his feet! His legs just won't support him! Weaver rolls over on his back ...
Chuvalo wins by knockout here in the Third Round!

Michael Pass has the cal l...

Ladies and gentlemen!

The end comes at 2:59 of round 3 ... And the winner by knockout ... George Chuvalo!

George Chuvalo - Record: 2-2-1 (1) & Mike Weaver - Record: 1-3-1 (1)
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Old 04-10-2020, 11:08 PM   #150
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Bout 146 - Randall “Tex” Cobb versus Jersey Joe Walcott

Round 12 Commentary

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
Walcott has Cobb pinned!
Cobb takes a hard combination from Walcott …
Cobb is staggered again ...
Walcott is in constant motion. He is a hard fighter to corner.
Walcott scores with a pinpoint hook to the chin of Cobb.
Walcott has hurt Cobb early in the round & Cobb can only win this fight with a TKO!
Walcott is really fluid in his movement.
Walcott throws the jab and it lands cleanly.
Walcott doesn't connect with the jab.
Cobb is protecting the body nicely as Walcott fails to score inside.
Walcott continues to bang away with both hands and a nice uppercut finds a home.
Both fighters seem willing to clinch now ... Cobb needs to throw some leather ...
Ref Drakulich separates the two fighters.
Walcott does a great job of moving as Cobb tries to work inside.
Cobb unleashes a flurry and Walcott fires back, a close exchange with Cobb coming out on top.
Cobb backs into a neutral corner.
Cobb ducks into an uppercut from Jersey Joe Walcott.
Walcott has done enough to win this fight.
The final round concludes and we're going to have to await a decision to find out who won this contest ...

We go to the ring where Mark Beiro is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentelmen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Allen Krebs, United States scores the fight 118 to 110

Manuel Gonzalez, Panama scores it 117 to 110

Robert Tapper, Canada has it 119 to 108

And your winner by unanimous decision … and still undefeated … Jersey Joe Walcott!!!

Jersey Joe Walcott - Record: 5-0-0 (1) & Randall “Tex” Cobb - Record: 1-4-0
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Old 04-11-2020, 08:58 AM   #151
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Bout 147 - Gerrie Coetzee versus Nikolay Valuev

Round 8

Coetzee looks to be in fair shape as Round 8 gets underway.
Valuev is on his bicycle, moving from corner to corner forcing Coetzee to chase him.
Valuev throws a wild overhand right that lands flush! Coetzee drops to one knee and will take the count!
The count begins ...
Coetzee appears to be ok as he regains his feet at 4 as the referee gives him the mandatory standing 8 count.
Ritter is allowing the fight to continue and the action resumes.
A beautiful combination to the chin sends Coetzee to the canvas again!
Referee Ritter stands over Gerrie Coetzee and begins the count ...
At 8, Coetzee rises to his feet as Ritter starts the mandatory 8 count.
Ritter checks Coetzee closely and will allow the fight to continue.
Valuev has Coetzee is in a world of hurt as He fires away with both hands.
Valuev just landed a devastating three punch combo!
Coetzee was hurt by those blows!
And there is the bell saving Gerrie Coetzee here in Round 8!

Round 11

There's two rounds of boxing left, and it appears as if Valuev is going to need a knockout to win this fight.
Valuev smothers Coetzee's attack with a clinch!
Ritter pries them apart.
Valuev slides into the corner...
Coetzee whiffs with the uppercut.
Coetzee and Valuev each take a step back.
Oh and Valuev has been knocked down with a strong hook!
Ritter motions Coetzee to a neutral corner and starts the count ...
At 5, Valuev struggles to regain his feet, but still looks hurt as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
There is the bell signaling that the round's over!

Round 12

As the bell sounds for the final round, it looks as if the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.
Valuev slides into a neutral corner ...
Coetzee swings ... and misses.
Valuev takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
Valuev was rattled by that shot and he is hurt!
OH my!!! Coetzee lands a huge uppercut and Valuev hits the canvas.
Ritter begins counting ...
Valuev makes it to a knee at the count of 2 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
At 7, Valuev is back on his feet! He now he has to take the mandatory 8.
Ritter waves the two fighters together.
Coetzee has Valuev hurt, now let's see what kind of finisher Coetzee is.
Coetzee fires and misses.
Nikolay Valuev is feeling the effects of his trips to the canvas in both this round and the preceding stanza!
Coetzee lands a perfect cross and Valuev slumps to the canvas again here in the Final Round!
Ritter starts counting ...
A7t 7, Valuev makes it to his feet but his legs look wobbly as the mandatory 8 is tolled.
Ritter is looking at Valuev closely, and he will allow the fight to continue.
Coetzee shoots the jab. He doubles up on it and the second one carried some power with it.
Coetzee knows he has Valuev hurt as he wades in swinging!
The action heats up as both men trade punches.
Ritter warns Coetzee for holding and hitting, although he is doing a lot more holding than hitting.
Coetzee finally pushes Valuev away.
Valuev now grabs Coetzee. If this were football, there'd be a penalty flag for holding.
The Referee breaks it up...
That's it. This fight has gone the distance and now we'll await the official decision ...

Here's Michael Buffer with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Tammye Jenkins, United States has it 113 to 110

Lou Filippo, United States scores the fight 114 to 109

Arturo Sanchez, Panama scores it 115 to 108

The winner by unanimous decision is … Gerrie Coetzee!

Gerrie Coetzee - Record: 4-1-0 (1) & Nikolay Valuev - Record: 1-3-1
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Old 04-11-2020, 10:11 AM   #152
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Bout 148 - Gerry Cooney versus Mike Tyson

Round 1

We're about to get underway... And there's the bell as Round 1 begins.
Cooney lets his hands go inside, but Mike Tyson protects his body well.
Both fighters are trying to work inside. It's Mike Tyson, though, who manages to score with a solid uppercut that shakes Cooney.
Mike Tyson misses badly. It looked like he changed his mind halfway through the punch.
Tyson connects with a solid uppercut!
Cooney appears shaken by that punch!
Tyson is working hard to keep this fight at close quarters.
That was a violent straight right by Tyson!
Cooney is gasping for air!!
Tyson lands a perfect uppercut and Cooney slumps to the canvas!
The count starts ...
At 4, Cooney is back on his feet! He now takes the mandatory 8.
Tyson has Cooney cornered!
There's a hard shot off the top of Cooney's head!
Tyson scores with a damaging cross.
Tyson stunned Cooney with that last shot and Tyson's killer instinct has kicked in as he looks to end the fight.
And there’s the bell saving Cooney!

Round 9

It's Round 9 of this scheduled 12 rounder.
Cooney wings a big left hand at Tyson but the latter sidesteps the punch.
Tyson drives a short hook into Cooney's midsection!
Cooney connects with an uppercut to the head of Tyson.
Tyson drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
Cooney was stunned by that last flurry of punches!
Tyson connects with a nasty uppercut!
Cooney suddenly has a vacant look in his eyes. That's a bad sign.
A big uppercut from Tyson lands with serious impact!
That was a violent straight right by Tyson!
Those punches hurt Cooney and he looks to hang on.
Tyson fakes downstairs, then launches a scorching hook that lands flush on Gerry Cooney's jaw.
Cooney was stopped cold by that punch! Tyson has a reputation as a great finisher. Let's see if he can live up to it!
Tyson lands a tremendous shot under Cooney's ribcage and Cooney crumbles to the canvas.
Weeks crouches over Cooney and begins to count ...
Cooney is struggling to regain his feet as the count reaches 8.
Gerry Cooney can't regain his feet! His legs just won't support him. Cooney rolls over on his back ...
Tyson wins by knockout here in Round 9!

Let's go to Michael Buffer for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at 2:00 of round 9. The winner by knockout … Mike Tyson!!!

Mike Tyson - Record: 4-0-1 (4) & Gerry Cooney - Record: 2-3-0 (1)
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:03 PM   #153
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Bout 149 - Henry Cooper versus Tony Tucker

Round 10 Commentary

Henry Cooper is off his stool and waiting for the bell to begin Round 10.
Cooper backs into the lower corner.
Tucker tries a straight right that's blocked by the gloves of Cooper.
Cooper sneaks in a quick uppercut that lands cleanly.
There appears to be an increase in the amount of swelling under Tucker's eyes.
Tucker lands a crushing uppercut!
Tucker has Cooper in trouble, he is hurt and trying to hang on!!
Tucker misses badly. It looked like he changed his mind halfway through the punch.
Cooper with a lead right to the head.
And now Tucker is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches! He's down!!!
Referee Earle begins the count over Tucker as Cooper moves to a neutral corner ...
And that's it! Tucker can't beat the count!
Cooper wins this fight in dramatic fashion with a stunning knockout!

Let's go to Pat Harker for the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen!

The end comes at 1:41 of round 10 ... The winner by knockout ... Henry Cooper!

Henry Cooper - Record: 3-2-0 (3) & Tony Tucker - Record: 1-4-0
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:27 PM   #154
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Bout 150 - Michael Dokes versus Tony Tubbs

Round 8 Commentary

Round 8 begins as the bell sounds.
Dokes received a pep talk from Gil Clancy before he left his corner; we'll see if it worked.
Tubbs has Dokes blocked in!
The quickness and footwork of Tubbs is keeping Dokes off balance.
Tubbs shoots the jab, followed by a nice cross.
Tubbs's cross finds a home on Dokes's jaw.
Dokes tries to go to the body but he can't find an opening.
Both boxers go back to the middle of the squared circle.
Tubbs is showing some fancy footwork tonight as he moves around Dokes.
Dokes tries to double up on the jab but neither hit the mark.
Dokes is offering minimal head movement as he comes straight forward.
That hook from Tubbs lands with some authority!
Dokes is just looking for a place to fall after that shot!
Tubbs retreats into the far-left corner.
Dokes leaves the jab just short.
Dokes can't find the range as he tries to work the body.
Dokes just landed a short, clean uppercut that caught Tubbs flush! Tubbs dropped like he'd been shot!
Ref Morton begins the count over Tubbs as Dokes moves to a neutral corner ...
And Morton raises Dokes's hand as Tubbs is stopped here in the 8th round!

Let's go to Bob Alexander for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The time of the stoppage is 2:51 of round number 8. The winner by knockout is ... Michael Dokes!

Michael Dokes - Record: 3-1-1 (2) & Tony Tubbs - Record: 2-3-0
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Old 04-14-2020, 11:56 PM   #155
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Bout 151 – James “Buster” Douglas versus James Tillis

Round 4

Round 4 gets underway as the fighters move to the middle of the ring.
Tillis got quite a pep talk in his corner; we'll see if Angelo Dundee's instructions work.
Each fighter is measuring the other.
Now Douglas lets his hands go and scores several quick punches to the head of Tillis.
Buster Douglas traps Tillis in the corner!
The uppercut just landed by Douglas is a nice weapon on the inside.
Douglas has James Tillis cornered!
Douglas fires a volley of punches, but James Tillis was already moving laterally and was out of harm's way.
Oh!!! Tillis unleashed a crippling right hand to the head of Douglas!
Douglas is trying to regain his senses after that punch ...
Both fighters keep straying from ring center. Now they're back in the middle of the square.
Douglas continues hitting with an open glove and Ref Clancy has seen enough as he issues a warning.
Douglas backs into the lower right corner.
James Tillis takes a half step back and unleashes a wicked uppercut that lands square.
Douglas is dazed & confused, and Tillis is following him!
Tillis misses with the hook.
That punch caught Tillis clean. He brings his arms up in a defensive posture. Now he pitches forward!
Tillis goes down after a delayed reaction to the hook by Douglas!
Clancy stands over Tillis and begins the count ...
At 8, Tillis beats the count, but he appears to be hurt badly!
Clancy is allowing the fight to continue. Tillis looks real shaken to us, however.
Douglas knows he has Tillis hurt as he wades in swinging!
Douglas tries to give angles as he continues his relentless forward motion.
Douglas lands a solid uppercut!
Tillis seems to be in big trouble after that blow ...
And the Bell saves James Tillis!

Round 5

Tillis is off his stool and waiting for the bell to begin Round 5.
Douglas opens with a stiff jab.
Douglas lands a devastating hook!
That shot has James Tillis hurt again!
But Tillis drives a brutal left hook home just above Douglas's trunks.
Tillis misses badly with that follow-up hook!
Oh my!!! Tillis walks into a hook and folds like an accordion. He went down section by section.
Clancy crouches over Tillis as he starts the count …
Tillis is making a gallant try to get off the canvas as the count reaches 4.
At 8, James Tillis manages to rise from that knockdown as Clancy gives him the mandatory standing 8 count.
Clancy motions to both boxers to come together, as he allows the fight to continue.
The effects of being down in two consecutive rounds are readily apparent in Tillis's body language.
Douglas connects with a violent hook!
Tillis has been hurt by that punch and is out on hi feet!
Buster Douglas motions for Clancy to stop the fight ... Clancy is going to do it!!
It's a TKO for Douglas!!!

Pat Harker has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:20 mark in Round 5. Your winner by TKO is ... Buster Douglas!

Buster Douglas - Record: 4-1-0 (3) & James Tillis - Record: 0-5-0

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Old 04-15-2020, 08:23 PM   #156
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Bout 152 - Jimmy Ellis versus Pinklon Thomas

Round 1

We're about to get underway... And there's the bell as Round 1 begins.
Thomas is immediately pinned in his opponents corner ...
Ellis connects with a thundering combination and Thomas drops to the canvas!
Moret stands over Thomas and begins counting ...
At 4, Thomas manages to rise from that knockdown as Moret gives him the mandatory standing 8 count.
Moret is allowing the fight to continue. Thomas looks real shaken to us, however.
Ellis knows he has Thomas hurt as he wades in swinging!
Jimmy Ellis scores with a rapid-fire combination.
Thomas is badly stunned, and Ellis will try to finish him off here in the 1st round!
Ellis lands a stinging jab.
Thomas is dazed as Ellis looks to put him away!
Ellis misses. He had an opening and whiffed with the punch.
Ellis has Thomas blocked in!
Ellis sneaks in a quick uppercut that lands cleanly.
Ellis has Thomas is in a world of hurt as He fires away with both hands.
Ellis has an army of supporters in the crowd tonight, judging by the chants we are hearing.
The action slows for the moment.
The round's over and the crowd hasn't stopped screaming since the knockdown occurred.

Round 11

The bell starts the action as Ellis and Thomas leave their corners.
Thomas lands a powerful cross to Ellis's temple knocking him off balance and he goes down!!!.
The count begins ...
At 9, Ellis is back on his feet and indicates he is fine to Moret.
Moret seems convinced that Ellis is ok, and the fight will continue!

Round 12

Both fighters look determined as the final round gets underway.
Al Certo seemed to pump up Ellis between rounds.
Thomas uses subtle movement and a tight guard protecting his body as Ellis tries vainly to score.
Thomas throws a wild overhand right that lands flush! Ellis drops to one knee and will take the count!
Moret crouches over Ellis and begins to count ...
At 3, Ellis is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
At 9, Ellis has regained his feet, but he definitely looks dazed!
Ellis tries to steady himself as Moret takes a good look at him. he appears to be ok and the fight will go on.
Pinklon Thomas misses with the left and then fails to connect with the right as well.
This fight is history! The last round is over, and we await the decision of the judges …

Let's go to Bob Alexander for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Arthur Lurie, United States scores the bout 113 to 112

Steve Epstein, United States has it 114 to 111

Dave Moretti, United States scores it 114 to 112

The winner by unanimous decision … Pinklon Thomas!

Pinklon Thomas - Record: 3-1-1 (1) & Jimmy Ellis - Record: 4-1-0 (1)
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:27 PM   #157
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Bout 153 - Alfredo Evangelista versus Ernie Terrell

Round 8

Evangelista is off his stool and waiting for the bell to begin Round 8.
That was a violent straight right by Evangelista!
Ernie Terrell is hurt here early in Round 8!
Terrell hits the deck after a huge follow-up cross and he looks hurt.
Referee Ramirez picks up the count ...
Terrell makes it to a knee at the count of 3 but he's still struggling to get his legs under him!
At 8, Terrell manages to get back to his feet but he still looks kind of shaky.
Terrell does not looks like he has fully recovered from the knockdown but he tells the ref that he can still fight.
Ramirez must agree as he signals for the fight to go on.
Evangelista wants to end this fight right now. Whether or not he can do it is another story.
Evangelista misses with that uppercut.
Evangelista lands a stinging jab.
Alfredo Evangelista's last punch has given him a chance to end the fight this round. He's got Ernie Terrell on Queer Street.
Evangelista lands a powerful cross right on the button!
Terrell is just looking for a place to fall after that shot!
Evangelista has Terrell blocked in!
You could feel the breeze after that miss by Evangelista!
That cross from Evangelista just missed.
Alfredo Evangelista lands a crushing hook!
Evangelista tries to work his way inside, but he can't do it.
Terrell takes a hard combination from Evangelista …
Terrell is suddenly in trouble again!
And there’s the bell! The crowd really came to life after Evangelista scored that knockdown.

Round 12

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
The swelling on the face of Evangelista is noticeable, even at a distance.
Terrell catches Evangelista with an uppercut as he tries to duck.
Cover the kid’s eyes as Evangelista just landed a horrific right to the head of Terrell!
Terrell is dazed and he is in trouble!!
Terrell takes a hook as he tries to work inside.
Evangelista fires a volley of punches but Terrell was already moving laterally and was out of harm's way.
Upstairs and downstairs! Evangelista lands two quick blows and then moves away from Terrell's counters.
Alfredo Evangelista fires away but finds nothing but air.
Evangelista fires a wild overhand right and misses everything.
The action slows as Evangelista and Terrell measure each other up.
There's a lead right hand that finds its mark. That can be a dangerous punch if Terrell can land a solid one.
Terrell shoots the right home. That's a sneaky punch.
Some good body work by Terrell, landing several short blows to the ribs.
Evangelista appears to have this fight under control despite the rally by Terrell.
And the bell sounds ending the round and the fight. This one's gone the distance and we'll await the decision of the judges.

Mark Beiro has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Michele Hellstern, United States sees it 114 to 114

Alfred Buqwana, South Africa scores the bout 114 to 113 for Ernie Terrell

Mike Fitzgerald, United States scores the bout 114 to 113 for Alfredo Evangelista

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a draw!

Wow! There is mayhem in the ring as the crowd boos the decision!

Alfredo Evangelista - Record: 3-1-1 (3) & Ernie Terrell - Record: 3-1-1
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:29 PM   #158
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Bout 154 - Zora Folley versus John Tate

Round 12 Commentary

We go to the last round, as the bell sounds to start the 12th.
The swelling on the face of Tate is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
Tate pushes Folley away.
Tate misses wildly with the Hook.
Folley scores with quick series of shots to the body of Tate.
Tate swings ... and misses.
Folley lands a smashing hook!
That shot has Tate hurt!
And the swelling under Tate's left eye is increasing.
The fighters are at ring center ...
Folley is protecting the body nicely as Tate fails to score inside.
Tate tastes Folley's jab …
The crowd comes to life as both fighters exchange blows, with the advantage going to Tate.
Folley lands a stinging jab.
Folley scores with a crisp uppercut inside.
Folley seems to have done enough to win this fight.
And the bell sounds ending the round and the fight. This one is gone the distance and we'll await the decision of the judges.

Let us go to Jim Fitzgerald for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Michael Pernick, United States has it even at 114 to 114

Massimo Barrovecchio, Italy scores the bout 115 to 113 for Zora Folley

Patricia Morse-Jarman, United States scores it even 114 to 114

We have a majority draw!

That is a lot closer than we saw this fight!

Zora Folley - Record: 2-2-1 & John Tate - Record: 0-4-1
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Old 04-16-2020, 12:19 AM   #159
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Bout 155 - George Foreman versus Michael Spinks

Round 9 Commentary

Shouts of encouragement for both fighters can be heard as the bell rings for Round 9.
Spinks's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he's suffered looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Foreman snaps Spinks's head back with a solid jab.
The swelling under Spinks's left eye has now ballooned substantially.
Both fighters are circling, keeping their distance from each other.
Foreman shoots a vicious cross right down the pipe and catches Spinks flush!
Spinks was stopped cold by that punch and he is staggering across the ring!
Spinks misses with the jab but scores with the follow up cross.
Both fighters keep straying from ring center. Now they're back in the middle of the square.
Oh! Spinks is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches by Foreman! He's down!!!
Ref Yeats picks up the count ...
At 8, Spinks is hurt, but manages to regain his feet ...
Yeats looks closely at Spinks who indicates he is ok, and the fight will continue ...
Foreman rains a combination of blows to the head and body of Spinks and Spinks tastes the canvas again!
Yeats crouches over Spinks and begins to count ...
At 6, Spinks makes it to his feet. Now he has a chance to clear his head as Yeats administers the mandatory 8 count.
The fight will continue as Yeats appears satisfied that Spinks is OK.
Yeats is taking a close look at Spinks, if he doesn't respond this fight could be over.
Michael Spinks slides into a neutral corner...
A beautiful uppercut to the chin sends Spinks to the canvas!
Spinks hits the canvas for the third time in the round and that's it!
Foreman is the TKO winner in round 9!

Here's Michael Pass with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The winner by technical knockout at the 2:36 mark in Round 9 … and still undefeated … George Foreman!

George Foreman - Record: 5-0-0 (5) & Michael Spinks - Record: 2-3-0 (1)
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Old 04-16-2020, 08:43 PM   #160
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Bout 156 - Bob Foster versus Leon Spinks

Round 5 Commentary

Here come the fighters to ring center to begin Round 5!
Spinks works downstairs, scoring with series of hooks.
Despite the punches landed, both fighters remain unmarked.
Spinks is doing some great body work inside and he lands a tremendous shot that brings Foster to his knees!
And Foster is telling Ref Thrasher that he cannot continue and this one is over!!!
Spinks is the winner by TKO as Foster may have suffered a broken rib!

Michael Pass has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Referee has stopped the bout with 0:30 gone in Round 5. Your winner is ... Leon Spinks!

Leon Spinks - Record: 2-3-0 (2) & Bob Foster - Record: 2-3-0 (2)
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