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Old 03-09-2020, 09:12 PM   #61
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Fight 59 - Larry Holmes KO's Floyd Patterson In Round 11

Round 11 Commentary

Both fighters look ready to go as Round 11 begins.
Patterson's corner men do a nice job on his cut under the right eye.
That punch caught Patterson clean. He brings his arms up in a defensive posture. Now he pitches forward!
Patterson goes down after a delayed reaction to the hook by Holmes!
Moret starts counting ...
At 5, Patterson is up and looks to be ok as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
Moret is allowing the fight to go on as he motions the fighters together.
Patterson suddenly looks very vulnerable. Holmes can stop him if he lets it all hang out.
Holmes scores with a tremendous right just above the waistline!
Patterson looks shaken!
Holmes lands a vicious cross!
Patterson is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
There is now a bit of swelling around Patterson's right eye.
Holmes scores with a winging right! Patterson's head snapped back violently with that punch!
Floyd Patterson is dazed and he is in trouble!!
Patterson's vision has to be hampered by the ever-increasing swelling under his eyes.
It's a sweet uppercut by Holmes! He snapped Patterson's head straight back with that punch!
That blast sent Patterson reeling into the ropes!
Holmes is really fluid in his movement.
Holmes lands a vicious cross and down goes Patterson!
Moret picks up the count ...
Patterson lurches to his feet at the count of 6 but he stumbles and is down on his knees again. He's making another effort!
Patterson is out, it's all over as Holmes takes the win via knockout in the 11th round!

And here with the call is Pat Harker …

Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner by knockout at the 2:04 mark in Round 11 is ... Larry Holmes!
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Old 03-09-2020, 10:58 PM   #62
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Fight 60 - Greg Page By Split Decision Over Evander Holyfield

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
The swelling on the face of Holyfield is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
A minute wasn't enough to eliminate or even significantly reduce Page's swelling.
This has been a War!!!
Holyfield lets his hands go inside, but Page protects his body well.
Evander Holyfield lands a devastating hook!
Greg Page was staggered by that punch!
Page is looking to protect his body and he's leaving his chin wide open!
Holyfield just landed a devastating three punch combo!
Page was shaken by those blows!
The swelling around Page's right eye is getting messy and his vision has to be obscured.
Page lands a hard cross to the body, one of the better punches so far this round.
Holyfield lands a wicked combination!
Page gets caught with several punishing blows to the head and he is reeling!
Holyfield appears to have this fight under control.
There's the bell and this contest is in the books. Both fighters act as if they've won.
Let's listen to the call as the scorecards are handed to the ring announcer.

We go to the ring where Jimmy Lennon Jr. is ready with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Steve Weisfeld, United States scores the bout 114 to 112 for Greg Page

Gelasio Perez Huerta, Mexico scores the bout 115 to 114 for Evander Holyfield

Robert Byrd, United States scores the bout 114 to 112 for ... The winner by split decision ... Greg Page!

There’s mayhem inside the ring as Holyfield’s Corner is trying to get physical with Judge Robert Byrd!!!
This is an ugly end to a great fight folks as the crowd chants "Bull Crap!"

Last edited by a401kking; 03-09-2020 at 11:00 PM.
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Old 03-10-2020, 12:14 AM   #63
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Fight 61 - Ingemar Johansson & Ken Norton Fight to a Draw

Round 12 Commentary

We go to the last round, as the bell sounds to start the 12th.
If the swelling was lessened by Norton's corner, it wasn't reduced enough to make a big difference.
Johansson lands a perfectly timed cross that puts Norton back on his heels.
Ingemar Johansson lands a pair of short right hands just above the waist line.
Johansson connects with a vicious combination!
Norton took far too many hard shots from Johansson in that flurry and he is hurt!
Norton seems to be a bit distracted by the swelling under his right eye as it has gotten worse.
Norton scores with a cross, though it did not land flush.
Ingemar Johansson lands a solid uppercut!
That’s a nice combination to the body by Norton.
A cross from Johansson lands with some authority!
Johansson just delivered some big time hurt with that punch!
Some nice infighting ends with Ken Norton getting an uppercut in.
The two fighters have chosen to work on the inside and it's Norton who scores with a short hook to the chest.
Johansson finds a home for his jab, keeping Ken Norton at bay.
A nice combination to the body by Ken Norton.
Johansson takes a hook to the jaw but seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The crowd shows their appreciation of the efforts of both fighters,
And the final round concludes and we're going to have to await the decision ...

Let's go to Amy Hayes for the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Guillermo Perez Pineda, Panama scores it 115 to 115 - Even

Burt Clements, United States scores the bout 117 to 112 for Ingemar Johansson

Manuel Arroyo, Colombia scores the bout 116 to 113 for Ken Norton

This fight has been declared a draw!

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Old 03-10-2020, 02:32 AM   #64
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Fight 62 - Vitali Klitschko KO's Orlin Norris In Round 4

Round 4 Commentary

The bell sounds to start Round 4.
Klitschko has Norris pinned!
Klitschko lands a big hook to the jaw of Norris. Norris was stopped cold by that shot.
Klitschko digs two shots to the body and then rips Norris with a short uppercut on the inside.
Klitschko takes a hard combination from Norris
Klitschko is suddenly in trouble!
Klitschko lands a violent shot under Norris's ribcage and Norris instantly drops down on both knees.
The count starts ...
At 9, Norris is back up, but his eyes have that vacant look about them.
Referee Bulner looks closely at Norris who indicates he is ok, and the fight will continue ...
Klitschko has Norris hurt, now let's see what kind of finisher Klitschko is.
A hook by Vitali Klitschko jarred Norris!
Mercy! That was a crushing blow! Norris is trying to hang on ...
Vitali Klitschko lands a hard hook!
There's a devastating cross to the head of Norris. It came out of nowhere and Norris drops to the canvas!
Bulner starts counting again ...
At 7, Norris is up and looks to be ok as he takes the mandatory 8 count.
Norris tries to steady himself as Bulner takes a good look at him.
Norris has nothing left. Bulner is waving his arms! He's stopping the fight!
Vitali Klitschko is the winner on a TKO!

We go to the ring where Michael Buffer is ready with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The Referee has stopped the bout with 2:38 gone in Round 4.

And your winner is ... Vitali Klitschko!
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Old 03-10-2020, 05:22 AM   #65
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Fight 63 - Wladimir Klitschko By Unanimous Decision Over Michael Moorer

Round 12 Commentary

The fighters touch gloves in the middle of the ring as the 12th and final round begins.
Moorer's corner didn't ignore the swelling he's suffered so far in this bout!
Moorer drives a short hook into Klitschko's midsection!
Klitschko is gasping for air!!
Klitschko is on his bicycle as he looks to stay away from Moorer.
Moorer tries to double up on the jab but neither hit the mark.
Klitschko scores with a pinpoint hook to the chin of Michael Moorer.
Morrer is holding. Well, he can't get hit if Klitschko can't throw punches, I guess.
Klitschko uses subtle movement and a tight guard protecting his body as Moorer tries vainly to score.
Klitschko seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The final seconds of Round 12 expire, and this bout is going to go to the scorecards.

And here with the call is Howard Leigh …

Ladies and Gentlmen, the scorecards are in, and here is your official decision ...

Louis Moret, United States scores it 119 to 108

Ignacio Robles, Panama scores the fight 118 to 110

Frank Lombardi, United States has it 117 to 110

The winner by unanimous decision is Wladimir Klitschko!
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Old 03-10-2020, 08:18 AM   #66
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Fight 64 - Lennox Lewis By Unanimous Decision Over Archie Moore

Round 1

2:08 - Lewis lands a powerful hook to Moore's temple knocking him off balance and he goes down!!!.

Round 11

0:24 - Lewis lands a violent hook and Moore hits the deck like a marionette whose strings had been cut away.
0:51 - OH my, Lewis lands a huge combination and Archie Moore hits the canvas again!

Round 12

0:07 - A minute wasn't enough to eliminate or even significantly reduce Moore's swelling.
1:20 - Lewis goes to the head, the body and now back to the head. That was a beautiful sequence of punches.
1:29 - Moore throws a nice, short uppercut that scores to Lewis's jaw.
1:42 - Moore looks to have his legs back under him after that knockdown in the last round.
2:50 - Lewis appears to have this fight under control.
3:00 - The bell sounds ending the final round and now the scorecards will determine the outcome.

Let's go to Ben Bentley for the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Ricardo Duncan, Panama scores the fight 118 to 109

George Smith, United States scores it 116 to 110

Burt Clements, United States scores the bout 117 to 110

And your winner by unanimous decision … Lennox Lewis!!!

Last edited by a401kking; 03-10-2020 at 08:23 AM.
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Old 03-10-2020, 09:31 AM   #67
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Fight 65 - Sonny Liston KO's Karl Mildenberger In Round 8

Round 4

0:38 – Liston backs Mildenberger into the near corner as he controls this fight!
0:47 – Mildenberger takes a hard cross right on the button and he's down!
0:49 – The count starts ...
0:53 – At 4, Mildenberger appears to be ok as he regains his feet for the mandatory standing 8 count.
0:59 – Ref Lehtosaari checks Mildenberger closely and will allow the fight to continue.
3:00 – Lehtosaari motions the fighters to their corners as the bell sounds to end Round 4.

Round 8

0:11 - Liston takes a hard combination from Mildenberger!
0:16 - Several solid punches score and Liston is rattled! Liston is starting to fatigue ...
0:48 - A brutal uppercut from Liston connects to the solar plexus!
0:49 - Mildenberger is favoring his ribs, he's hurt!!
1:05 - Liston is bobbing and weaving as he moves forward.
1:21 - Liston just landed a devastating three punch combo!
1:30 - Liston scores with a quick one-two to Mildenberger's midsection
1:32 - Liston knows that Karl Mildenberger is in a world of hurt!!!
1:39 - Liston finds a home for that debilitating hook.
2:01 - Liston really buries a left-right combination into Karl Mildenberger's ribs.
2:04 - Mildenberger was stunned by those blows!
2:14 - Liston shuffles slowly forward, constantly pressuring Mildenberger.
2:23 - Liston lands a solid uppercut!
2:25 - Mildenberger is gasping for air!!
2:36 - Liston catches Mildenberger coming in with a sweet uppercut!
2:38 - Mildenberger is suddenly in deep trouble as he buckles!
2:41 - And Lehtosaari throws himself between the fighters! It's over!
2:42 - This fight ends at 2:42 of the 8th round &, your winner by TKO ... Sonny Liston!!!

And here with the call is Howard Leigh

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The end comes at the 2:42 mark in Round 8. Your winner by TKO is … Sonny Liston!

Last edited by a401kking; 03-10-2020 at 09:33 AM.
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Old 03-10-2020, 09:49 AM   #68
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Fight 66 - Joe Louis By Unanimous Decision Over Ray Mercer

Round 12 Commentary

Louis seems to have done enough to win this fight.
The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
Mercer catches Louis with an uppercut as he tries to duck.
Ray Mercer leans in and takes an uppercut to the chin from Louis.
Mercer scores with quick series of shots to the body of Louis.
Louis is throwing punches in bunches and lands several wicked shots in the process.
Joe Louis scores with a big right hand. That shot got Mercer's attention!!!
Louis just landed a short, clean cross that caught Mercer flush. Mercer dropped like he'd been shot.
Ref Alonso picks up the count …
At 7, Mercer rises to his feet as Alonso starts the mandatory 8 count.
The fight will continue as Alonso appears satisfied that Mercer is OK.
Louis is boxing beautifully, smoothly moving side to side and in and out.
Louis glances a hook off Mercer's side.
Louis is raining blows down on Mercer, who is obviously hurt.
Louis throws the jab and it lands cleanly.
Mercer is in trouble. Louis needs to stay on him if he wants to end this now.
Louis lands a strong hook!
Mercer's eyes are glazed over after that shot, he is definitely hurt!
Louis appears to be be dominating this fight!!!
The final seconds of Round 12 expire and this bout is going to go to the scorecards …

Damian Pinto has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Gwen Adair, United States scores the fight 119 to 107

Michele Hellstern, United States scores the bout 118 to 109

Don Trella, United States sees the fight 119 to 107

The winner by unanimous decision is … Joe Louis!

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Old 03-10-2020, 11:23 AM   #69
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Fight 67 - Ron Lyle & Buster Mathis Fight to a Majority Draw

Round 1

2:01 - That uppercut from Lyle lands with some authority!
2:03 - Mathis staggers into the ropes! He is struggling to remain upright!
2:22 - OH my!!! Lyle lands a huge uppercut and Mathis hits the canvas!
2:24 - Lyle is ushered to a neutral corner by Referee Yeats and the count begins ...
2:32 - At 8, Mathis's eyes are glazed as he rises.
2:33 - The fight will go on as Yeats deems Mathis is fit to continue.
2:36 - Lyle has Mathis hurt but is there enough time left for him to finish the job?
2:52 - Mathis is on his bicycle as he backs into a neutral corner.
2:57 - Lyle continues to follow Mathis about the ring.
3:00 - A knockdown is always exciting, and this crowd is full of electricity after Round 1!

Round 12

0:06 - Mathis's swelling looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
0:11 - Look out! That was a straight right by Mathis!
0:14 - That shot landed square and Lyle felt it as he's in a world of hurt!
0:21 - Lyle connects to the head with a powerful right cross.
0:38 - Mathis shoots the right home. That's a sneaky punch.
1:10 - Lyle rips a hook to the body.
1:15 - The swelling under Mathis's left eye is increasing.
2:40 - Lyle scores with a tremendous right just above the waistline!
3:00 - The bell sounds ending the 12th and final round of this exciting fight ...

Let's go to Henry Jones for the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision. ..

Carol Castellano, United States sees it 114 to 114

Terry O'Connor, England scores it 114 to 114

Silvestre Abainza, Philippines scores the bout 116 to 112 for Ron Lyle

This fight has been declared a majority draw!
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Old 03-10-2020, 01:02 PM   #70
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Fight 68 - Rocky Marciano Wins as Jimmy Young is DQ'd

Round 4 Commentary

Marciano didn't sit in the corner between rounds and he comes out quickly to begin Round 4.
Neither fighter has a mark on them at this point of the fight.
Both fighters are circling, keeping their distance from each other.
Young just absorbed a terrifying shot to the body.
Jimmy Young is reeling …
Young unleashes a flurry of rights and lefts, but only a few get through.
Young scores with a quick one-two to Rocky Marciano's midsection.
Young drills Marciano with a solid jab.
Marciano connects square to Young's jaw, talk about sweet chin music!!
Young is trying to regain his senses after that punch ...
Both fighters are flailing away now but Young is definitely landing the better punches.
Wow, too many more shots like that from Young and Marciano can pretty much forget about having any children!
Cappuccino implores Young to keep them up. This is his 2nd Warning to Young!
Now Cappuccino sends both fighters to their corners as he walks over to the Scorer’s Table.
WOW! Cappuccino rules the foul to be blatant!
He's disqualifying Young!
Rocky Marciano is the winner by disqualification!

We go to the ring where Michael Pass is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen! Jimmy Young has been disqualified at 2:44 of Round 4!

The winner is ... Rocky Marciano!
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Old 03-11-2020, 02:03 AM   #71
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STATS After Fight #2

Here are the Stats after the 2nd Fight
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Old 03-11-2020, 02:36 AM   #72
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Fight 69 - Muhammad Ali versus Tyrell Biggs

Round 1 Commentary

A flurry of light blows from Ali scores to the body.
Ali scores with a piston-like jab.
Ali and Biggs stand toe to toe at center ring exchanging leather.
Biggs lands a stinging jab.
Yikes!!! A solid hook drops Tyrell Biggs on his back!
The count starts ...
Biggs lurches to his feet at the count of 3 but he stumbles and is down on his knees again.
Biggs can't beat the count! It's over! Biggs has been stopped cold here in round 1.

Jimmy Lennon Jr. has the call...

Ladies and gentlemen! The end comes at 2:36 of round 1 ... The winner by knockout ... Muhammad Ali!

Muhammad Ali - Record: 3-0-0 (2) & Tyrell Biggs - Record: 1-2-0 (1)
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Old 03-11-2020, 03:24 AM   #73
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Fight 70 - Trevor Berbick versus Jimmy Young

Round 12 Commentary

The crowd would like to see a knockout as the bell sounds for Round 12, the final round of the fight.
Berbick's eye swelling looks almost as bad as it did before the minute break.
Young lands consecutive uppercuts to Berbick's midsection.
A quick combination from Berbick gets through.
Young is in constant motion. He is a hard fighter to corner.
Young lands a two-punch combination to the body
Young scores with a quick cross to the midsection.
Berbick doubles up on the jab and he managed to score with the second one.
That's it! This fight is over, and we'll go to the scorecards …

Mark Beiro has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Eric Fetzer, United States has it 117 to 111

George Hill, United States sees the fight 117 to 111

Kenny Chevalier, United States scores it 117 to 113

And your winner by unanimous decision … Jimmy Young!!!

Jimmy Young - Record: 1-2-0 & Trevor Berbick - Record: 0-3-0
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Old 03-11-2020, 09:36 AM   #74
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Fight 71 - Jimmy Bivins versus Tim Witherspoon

Round 11

Both fighters are pawing with the jab, trying to find an opening.
Bivins digs a quick hook into the exposed side of Witherspoon.
There's a devastating cross to the head of Bivins. It came out of nowhere and Bivins drops to the canvas!
Ref Kimmons starts the count ...
At 3, Bivins rolls over and is trying to push himself up but will he have enough strength and time to do it?
At 8, Bivins looks stunned, but he is able to beat the count & there’s the bell ending Round 11! Wow!
The noise is deafening in the arena after that last round. Nothing like a knockdown to get the adrenaline flowing!

Round 12

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
Witherspoon got quite a pep talk in his corner; we'll see if Aaron Snowell's instructions work.
Witherspoon's corner is an experienced crew but the swelling he has suffered looks bad.
A quick jab to the body scores for Bivins
Bivins is really focused in this round.
You would think Bivins had a brick wall built around his midsection as futile as Witherspoon looked trying to score there!
Bivins looks to have his legs back under him after that knockdown in the last round.
Bivins seems to have done enough to win this fight despite the knockdown.
A brutal combination from Witherspoon connects to the solar plexus!
Bivins appears shaken by those punches!
Witherspoon lands a strong uppercut!
Bivins is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
Bivins is breathing heavily ...
This fight is history! The last round is over, and we await the decision of the judges …

Joe Antonacci has the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision...

Sergio Silvi, Italy has it 115 to 112

Oscar Perez, United States scores it 114 to 113

Robert Bish, United States scores the fight 115 to 112

And your winner by unanimous decision … Jimmy Bivins!!!

Jimmy Bivins - Record: 3-0-0 (1) & Tim Witherspoon - Record: 2-1-0 (2)
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Old 03-11-2020, 12:23 PM   #75
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Fight 72 - Duane Bobick versus Carl “The Truth” Williams

Round 1

Williams lands a thudding shot under Bobick's ribcage and Bobick crumbles like stale bread. He's down on both knees.
Referee Moret picks up the count …
The round comes to a close and Bobick is saved by the bell!
The noise is deafening in the arena after the Knockdown in this opening round!

Round 6

Referee Moret is calling this fight closely as Round 6 begins.
Williams lands a vicious cross and Bobick collapses like a house of cards!
Moret begins counting...
At 7, Bobick is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
At 8, Duane Bobick gets up on his feet! He doesn't look very steady...
Moret motions to both boxers to come together, as he allows the fight to continue.
That cross from Williams lands with some authority!
Bobick was stopped cold by that punch and he is staggering across the ring!
It appears as if Bobick has the makings of a tiny mouse under his right eye.
Williams lands a wicked uppercut!
Williams has Bobick in trouble after that punch!
Williams is raining blows down on Bobick, who is obviously hurt.
Williams pushes Bobick then steps away from him.
Referee Moret is doing a nice job controlling this bout.
Bobick mauls Williams inside as he delivers a hard hook to the side of the head!
Williams now has swelling too & isn't getting any better
The crowd really came to life after Williams scored that knockdown as Round 6 comes to a close!

Round 12

Bobick looks a bit disgusted as Round 12 gets underway.
Williams's corner men did their job with quiet efficiency and confidence.
Bobick drives home a wicked hook to the midsection!
Williams is gasping for air!!
Bobick fires a series of jabs that are fast and accurate.
Oh!!! Bobick just unleashed a crippling right hand to the head!
Williams appears shaken by that punch!
Bobick lands a crushing cross!
The swelling under Williams's left eye has caused it to completely shut now! That is one ugly knot!
Bobick scores downstairs with a hard cross.
It looks like Bobick has a pretty solid lead at this stage of the fight.
On no! Williams finally goes down!! He walked right into a wicked uppercut from Bobick!!
Moret points Bobick to a neutral corner and begins the count over Williams ...
At 5, Williams is back up as Moret counts off the mandatory 8.
Moret gives Williams a quick once over and decides to let the fight go on.
A tremendous hook from Bobick and Williams goes down again!!
Moret crouches over Carl Williams as he starts the count …
And the referee waves his arms to signal this fight is over!
Duane Bobick wins by way of knockout here in round 12!!!

We go to the ring where Jim Fitzgerald is ready with the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen! The victor by knockout at 2:54 of the 12th round ... Duane Bobick!

Duane Bobick - Record: 3-0-0 (3) & Carl “The Truth” Williams - Record: 0-3-0
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Old 03-11-2020, 01:12 PM   #76
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Fight 73 - Oscar Bonavena versus Cleveland Williams

Round 4 Commentary

Bonavena's corner men does a nice job on his cut inside the mouth to stop the profuse bleeding!
A brutal hook from Williams connects to the solar plexus!
Bonavena is gasping for air!!
Williams rips off a hook to Bonavena's mid-section.
Bonavena moves into a neutral corner.
A combination to the jaw has Bonavena hurt he stumbles forward and he's down!!
Referee Roman stands over Bonavena and begins the count ...
The count reaches 3 as Bonavena is struggling to climb off of the deck.
Bonavena looks stunned, but he is able to beat the count at 9.
Roman checks Bonavena closely and will allow the fight to continue.
Williams connects with a hook to Bonavena's body.
Williams is raining blows down on Bonavena, who is obviously hurt.
A hard cross from Williams and Bonavena is down again!!
Roman stands over Bonavena and begins the count ...
At the count of 9 again, Bonavena is back on his feet! He looks shaken though ...
Roman waves the two fighters together, he is allowing the fight to continue.
Williams hurt Oscar Bonavena with another shot! He's got him on wobbly legs, let's see if he can close the deal!
Bonavena hits the deck after a huge combination!!!
And Roman is stopping the fight due to the three-knockdown rule!
Cleveland Williams is your winner by TKO in the 4th!!

We go to the ring where Jim Fitzgerald is ready with the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Referee has stopped the bout with 1:50 gone in Round 4. Your winner is … Cleveland Williams!

Cleveland Williams - Record: 1-2-0 (1) & Oscar Bonavena - Record: 2-1-0 (2)
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Old 03-11-2020, 05:11 PM   #77
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Flight 74 - Riddick Bowe versus Deontay Wilder

Round 1

Bowe and Wilder are at close quarters as Bowe lands a hook to Wilder's head.
Bowe throws a cross to the head, then digs a hook to the body.
Wilder is overwhelmed by a barrage of punches! He's down!!!
Ref Curtin motions Bowe to a neutral corner and starts the count.
Wilder gets up on one knee at 3 and takes the mandatory 8 count before rising.
The Arena is shaking as the bell rings to end the round!!!
A knockdown really has a way of turning a fight crowd into a bloodthirsty mob!

Round 6

Wilder's cutman does a nice job on Wilder's facial swelling. The distension doesn't seem so obvious now.
The fighters jockey for position as they both try to gain the advantage here in the 6th.
Wilder scores with a hook to the body but he misses when he tries to double up with it.
Curtin steps in and admonishes Bowe for leaning on Wilder's neck.
Wilder takes a heavy combination downstairs.
That series of punches by Bowe rocked Wilder and he looks to be in trouble.
Bowe is stalking his opponent.
Bowe scores again with a nice right cross.
Wilder staggers backwards after a clash of heads on the inside clinch.
And now Deontay Wilder is bleeding again as his previous cut has been reopened.
Wilder's lip is split open again by a Bowe jab.
Bowe is really focused in this round.
A hard jab by Wilder gets in.
Bowe lands a hard hook!
Wilder was staggered by that punch!
There's renewed bleeding now from the gash over Wilder's left eyebrow and, obviously, his previous cut has been reopened.
Blood is flowing from the cut over Wilder's eye; it has to be impairing his vision!!!
Referee Curtin is notifying the timekeeper to stop the clock. He wants the doctor at ringside to look at Wilder's facial wounds.
It looks like the ringside physician is asking Curtin to stop the fight!
The doctor is really taking a close look at it and Wilder cannot like the expression on his face.
The Referee is waving it off. It's over! The doctor is not going to let it continue.
The winner by TKO due to the severity of the cuts – Riddick Bowe!

Ray Connelly has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end comes at the 2:54 mark in Round 6.

Your winner by TKO is … Riddick Bowe!

Riddick Bowe - Record: 3-0-0 (3) & Deontay Wilder - Record: 0-3-0

Last edited by a401kking; 03-11-2020 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 03-11-2020, 07:29 PM   #78
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Fight 75 - Frank Bruno versus Chuck Wepner

Round 6 Commentary

Bruno scores with a tremendous right just above the waistline!
That series of punches rocked Wepner and he looks to be in trouble.
Bruno shoves Wepner away.
Bruno lands a powerful combination right on the button!
Wepner was stopped cold by that series of shots!
Wepner is losing this fight and is looking to load up on his punches.
A hard combination lands for Bruno.
Bruno lands a vicious uppercut!
That's the punch Bruno hoped to land! Wepner is in really bad shape after that blow!
Swelling has started to appear under Chuck Wepner's left eye.
A cross from Bruno lands with some power.
Bruno connects with a vicious combination!
Wepner was just battered in that exchange, he is reeling and has no clue where he is.
Bruno lands the hook downstairs as he continues to find openings in Wepner's defense.
Wepner is looking to protect his body and he's leaving his chin wide open!
Bruno scores with a pinpoint cross to the chin of Wepner.
Uh Oh! That punch caught Wepner clean. He brings his arms up in a defensive posture.
Now he pitches forward! Wepner goes down after a delayed reaction to the cross by Bruno!
Ref Earle picks up the count ...
At 9, Wepner is in bad shape as he tries to regain his feet.
You could have counted to a 100 here, there was no way Wepner was getting back up!
It’s over! Frank Bruno dominates Round 6 with a TKO!!!

We go to the ring where Howard Leigh is ready with the call ...

Ladies and gentlemen! The victor by knockout at 2:50 of the 6th round ... Frank Bruno!

Frank Bruno - Record: 1-2-0 (1) & Chuck Wepner - Record: 0-3-0
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Old 03-11-2020, 09:57 PM   #79
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Fight 76 - Joe Bugner versus Mike Weaver

Early Round Commentary

Bugner connects with a vicious combination!
Bugner follows with a beautiful combination! Weaver might not survive this ...
A brutal combination from Weaver connects to the solar plexus!
Bugner appears shaken by those punches!
We have a good crowd on hand tonight witnessing this “even-steven” bout so far!
Weaver lands a jab to Bugner's midsection.
Bugner really packs a wallop and he just landed a brutal shot to the body!
Weaver was shaken by those blows!
Weaver seems bothered by the increased swelling around the right eye.
Bugner is circling his opponent.
Bugner lands a paralyzing uppercut!
Weaver is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
Weaver's right eye is turning ugly as the swelling under it worsens.
The Referee has to get between Bugner and Mike Weaver as they glare at one another.

Later Round Commentary

It looks like Bugner and Weaver are both starting to fatigue as Round 7 ends!
Now bleeding from a cut outside Weaver's right eye has begun to flow!
The swelling around Weaver's right eye is getting messy and his vision has to be obscured.
Bugner takes a tremendous hook to the jaw!
Bugner is trying to regroup after that punch ...
Weaver wings a big left hand at Bugner but the latter sidesteps the punch.
Bugner takes a punishing over hand right to the jaw!
Bugner takes a step back, obviously hurt!
Both fighters are carrying their arms low and both are vulnerable ...
The swelling around Bugner's left eye is worsening here in Round 9.
Bugner throws a wild overhand right that lands flush!
Weaver drops to one knee and will take the count!
Referee Christodoulou begins the count ...
Weaver is desperately trying to stand as the count hits 5 but he is badly hurt.
Somehow Weaver has made it back up at 9 after taking that vicious shot. He looks like he's out of it.
Christodoulou is allowing the fight to continue and the action resumes.
Weaver has emerged even more bloodied than a minute ago.
Weaver's pawing at his eye and there may be some blood trickling into that eye from the cut above it. The referee must have noticed because we have a stop in the action as Christodoulou motions toward the ringside physician.
They're going to take a close look at the cut.
Well, after talking a long look at Weaver's face, the ringside physician has indicated to the referee that the bout can continue.
Bugner is now boxing beautifully, smoothly moving side to side and in and out.
There's nothing like a knockdown to bring a crowd to its feet as round 9 closes.
Weaver drives home an uppercut to start Round 11. That punch had something on it.
Weaver catches Joe Bugner with a nice cross.
The swelling under Bugner's left eye is causing him problems and it won't take much more to become a major handicap for him.
Weaver seems to have done enough to win this fight.
There's the bell. Bugner wings a parting shot that misses. That was close. Round 11 is history.

Round 12 Commentary

As the bell sounds for the final round, it looks as if the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.
The swelling on the face of Bugner is almost as pronounced as before his corner worked on it.
The swelling on the face of Weaver is noticeable, even at a distance.
This has been a brawl!
Good exchange as both men landed several punches.
Bugner lands a solid hook!
Mike Weaver is gasping for air!!
The increased swelling around the right eye of Weaver is fast becoming a hindrance.
Weaver splits Bugner's gloves with an uppercut.
Bugner's left eye is becoming more swollen.
Oh Boy!!! Weaver absorbs a wicked uppercut to the head.
He's staggering backwards and now he goes down in a heap.
Christodoulou begins counting ...
Weaver lurches to his feet at the count of 7 but he stumbles and is down on his knees again.
Mike Weaver is hurt, but manages to regain his feet ...
This bout will continue as Christodoulou signals to both men to fight.
Joe Bugner just landed a devastating three punch combo!
Those punches hurt Weaver and he looks to hang on.
Weaver is dazed as Joe Bugner looks to put him away!
The bell sounds ending the final round and now the scorecards will determine the outcome of this fight.

Here's Ray Connelly with the call...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Ray Hawkins, United States scores the bout 114 to 112 for Joe Bugner

Des Bloyd, Australia has it even at 113 to 113

Jerry Jakubco, United States scores it even 113 to 113

We have a majority draw!

Joe Bugner - Record: 0-2-1 & Mike Weaver - Record: 1-1-1 (1)

Last edited by a401kking; 03-11-2020 at 10:00 PM.
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Old 03-12-2020, 02:53 AM   #80
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Fight 77 - Chris Byrd versus Jersey Joe Walcott

Round 12 Commentary

The bell sounds for the 12th and final round of this fight.
The cut lip suffered by Walcott has been closed for the time being, thanks to a great job by his cut man.
Byrd connects with a violent jab!
Walcott is hurt and he had better reach deep if he's going to continue!
Byrd pushes "Pappy Joe" away.
Byrd scores with a beautiful cross that just missed landing flush on Walcott's jaw.
Chris Byrd lands a brutal jab!
That punch may have stunned Walcott momentarily.
Walcott scores with a punch that's part uppercut, part hook!
Walcott and Byrd are now both throwing wildly, a nice flurry, with Walcott having the edge.
That was a blistering exchange of punches between Walcott and Byrd!
Walcott lands a devastating hook to the body.
We have seen plenty of action in this round!
Byrd sneaks home the left cross.
Overall, Walcott appears to have this fight under control.
The bell sounds ending the fight. This one's gone the distance and we'll await the decision of the judges.

Ray Connelly has the call ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have tallied their scorecards and here is your decision ...

Dave Moretti, United States scores the bout 115 to 114 for Jersey Joe Walcott

Miguel Acuna, United States sees it 115 to 115

Hector Hernandez, Mexico scores the bout 117 to 114 for ... Your winner by majority decision ... Jersey Joe Walcott!

Jersey Joe Walcott - Record: 3-0-0 (1) & Chris Byrd - Record: 1-1-1
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