Thread: Trading issues.
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Old 06-23-2019, 12:13 PM   #7
Major Leagues
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 346
The first human deal is an "offer." The AI response is a "counter offer."

IRL, counter offers are not only not contracts, but are a rejection of the original offer. It's just another part of negotiating. There is no "meeting of the minds" yet. I've had many offers that were accepted on the first try, and many that weren't accepted after multiple tries. In other words, the counter offer is not a contract offer, but a negotiating tool to indicate the AI might consider accepting under different terms. (It looks very different from unsolicited contractually binding trade offers that are made by the AI.)

As an example from My Cousin Vinny:

Contract Offer

- I beIieve you and Lisa pIayed a game of pooI for $200, which she won. I'm here to coIIect.

Counter offers

- How about if I just kick your butt?

- Oh, a counteroffer?

- That's what we Iawyers - I'm a Iawyer - we Iawyers caII that a ''counteroffer''. Let me see. This is a tough decision. Get my butt kicked or coIIect $200? Hm. What do you think? I couId use a good butt kicking, I'II be very honest with you. Nah, I think I'II just go with the $200.

- Over my dead body.

- You Iike to renegotiate as you go aIong, huh? OK, then. Here's my counteroffer. Do I have to kiII you? What if I was just to kick the everIovin' crap outta you?

- In your dreams.

- No, no, no. In reaIity. If I was to kick the crap outta you, do I get the money?

Meeting of the Minds

- If you kicked the crap outta me? Yeah, then you get the money.

Contract Offer

- OK. Let's see if we agree on the terms. The choice now is I get my butt kicked... or, option B, I kick your butt and coIIect the $ 200. I'm going with option B. Kicking your butt and coIIecting $200.

Final Contract

This is the accepted contract.

Last edited by Drstrangelove; 06-23-2019 at 01:10 PM.
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