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Old 10-03-2015, 10:27 AM   #4
Minors (Single A)
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 63
Everything you've done here is designed to draw attention to you.

You became a self-centred, entitled child when you failed to receive an answer after a whole ten hours (the horror!) to a question about getting a facepack to work. You seemed to assume that on a scale of 1 - 10, your issue was at least a solid, game-breaking '9' and that everyone should drop what they're doing, yell "CODE RED!" and jump into the bug-busting bunker to get right to work to avert this horrible catastrophe. Forget working on the trade AI, or fixing match engine bugs-- facepacks are critical.

After that, you decided to open a new thread, where you could *really* draw attention to your horrible problem. Not only that, but you decided to pull the "unhappy customer" card on Sebastian and forced him into making an apology he certainly didn't need to make. You're an unhappy customer after waiting for ten hours? I'm an unhappy customer who had to wait for two years for the final patch to FHM14, and I was never as much of a jerk to the guys at OOTP as you were. You even decided to be sanctimonious and say that you know "how to deal with question-askers in a prompt and courteous way" when everything you've done has been discourteous.

Finally, we have this thread. It's nice to pat yourself on the back and say "I'm usually right about this stuff, and I was right, and now you can see that I'm right, and therefore everything I said or did was entirely justified in the pursuit of righting this grievous and game-breaking bug, so let's just forget all about how I behaved!"

I normally keep my silence in these forums, but this type of behaviour always angers me, because small studios can't stick up for themselves in the manner that they'd want to when faced with an unreasonable customer. If I've stepped out of line here, I apologize to Sebastian and Co., but sometimes something needs to be said.
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