Thread: Referee Ratings
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Old 06-13-2017, 09:28 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by professordp View Post

I just came across this post! The manual is pretty cryptic. Here's all it says:

Judgment: This category is based upon a percentage (1-100%), the lower the rating the better. The number placed in this category reflects the percentage of time that the referee will blow a call, be confused on the rules, be out of position, etc.

Of course, I have no idea what the hell this means with respect to how it impacts an actual bout.

I've always marveled at phenomena attendant to instruction manuals. They typically raise more questions than they answer!
well if anyone here follows hockey in game 6 of the stanley cup finals Nashville scored a goal but the ref's line of sight was blocked so he lost sight of the puck and blew the play dead after Nashville eventually scored. By the rules he did the right thing but he was out of position how this translates to boxing remember that one bout a few years back involving a title one boxer delivered a clear low blow getting the knockdown but the ref was out of position to see the low blow and counted the other boxer out which started a massive protest and even HBO Max Kellerman questioning the ref about it and showing a replay of what he missed. I think it was in Vegas...
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