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Old 11-05-2019, 03:10 PM   #4
Minors (Double A)
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 133
It is a screenshot from FOF8's game log.

My best guess is +/- is the result of the dice roll on the play and not necessarily how things shook out on the field.

In this case the LBs failed their Zone rolls, which feeds into the play being a win for the offense. Screens are going to be completed, so I think that's likely why the CB got a + but the pass was completed anyway. Then it became a question of what does the guy do with the ball and because of the two failed dice rolls we get a big play because the entire offense had successful dice rolls.

That's not a very detailed way of explaining the idea I'm getting at and there are SO many factors in any given play, but I tend to view the game as a giant coded machine of dice rolls in different formulas that all feed into each other. It isn't actually determining where in space guys are, so much as what the different groupings are doing against the opposing team's groupings.
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