Thread: Good news!
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Old 05-03-2017, 03:59 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rosco Peabody View Post
I will say that the fact that they kept all of their currently active games in blue up at the top of the screen and they colored BTS the same color as Title Bout Boxing which has died does not make me feel very secure...
Or maybe because the news in blue are recent -- they are all about the games that were updated in the last year, and the news in white are old. It says nothing about the status of the games in white.

This blue color signifies not a status of games but the links to the news. So until there will be news about BTS, the old link will be white. But there will be no news until developers are ready, and nobody knows when they will be ready, besides God and themselves. So put that handkerchief away.