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Old 01-31-2014, 09:21 AM   #48
Francis Cole
Lead Developer for BTS
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 854
Originally Posted by da commish View Post

Can you provide more info on the financial aspects of the game, what will be included (stadiums, etc.) and how much control we will have over that? Will there be a general manager mode similar to OOTP Baseball, etc.?

The first thing to remember is that V1 will be as realistic as possible, and that will include all the real life cap rules.

Now it will be similar to OOTP (for V1 at least) in that you are the GM, and you have the cap to stick to. As a GM you won't be overly concerned with how many tickets you are selling or what the price of concessions are.

We realise a lot of people may want to customize the finances or maybe even have no cap, but it's far better/easier to get everything 100% realistic and then try to make that customizable, rather than start out with things customizable and trying to make it 100% realistic from there.
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