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Old 03-30-2018, 10:11 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by DB930 View Post
To be honest, I'm not sure the re-import function has ever worked correctly. I remember trying to use it a couple of times a few years ago, and while it did seem to accept my edited lists and begin pulling names from those, it was also clearly still taking names from the previous lists, as well, and was also still creating players based on the old ethnicity file.

Nowadays, if I make major changes to those (or the world_default file) I just create a new league and start over completely. Only way to be sure that the changes have taken cleanly.
The thing is, this feature does work with fictional and historical leagues. The only setup in which it appears to be non-functional is with a new standard or custom league that includes the current MLB.

With the changes that have been made to the way the game handles name/ethnicities this needs to be be fixed. After all, what's the point of having the ability to add an infinite number of name sets and ethnicities to the game if the game can't actually see or use them?

I'm still holding out hope that I'm overlooking something on my end that's preventing the re-import function from doing what it's supposed to do under these circumstances. Hopefully someone in the know will take the time to confirm if this is indeed a blind spot in the re-import feature.
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