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Old 07-08-2019, 07:34 PM   #5
Minors (Triple A)
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Originally Posted by BirdWatcher View Post
There could be some morale issues that also could affect performance a bit.
Say a player expects to be a middle of the order hitter and you slot him into the 8 hole. This could affect his morale. Obviously there are many other factors involved in morale so this might not have any affect if all else is good. But depending upon what the other morale factors look like at that point in time (and perhaps depending upon the players adaptability rating?), it could lead to some decrease in production.
Could also lead to some increase in production.

A better hitter could be behind him, while a speedster in front of him, cause said player to get more fastballs.

Lineups are cyclical and generally, if there aren't deadspots consecutively and if there are enough RBI opportunities for all hitters - and the team is winning - you won't see an increase.
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