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Old 03-11-2019, 04:53 PM   #103
Minors (Triple A)
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Don Julio Club, Big A
Posts: 286
Originally Posted by FancySkunk View Post
Really excited for the new changes, and loving the sneak preview of the card art in the publicly available screenshot of the main menu. Perfect Team has become an obsession and I can't wait to get in deep with the new cards for OOTP20.

Any hope that we can have some sort of "override quicksell" option for pack opening? As it stands, I'm set to automatically sell anything that's not at least a bronze (and some people are selling anything under a silver), but on rare occasions something pops up that I actually do want to keep (e.g. Terrance Gore or Tony Cloninger), but I'm stuck with the autosell unless I want to go back to manually selling all of my commons/irons.

Also could we potentially have a more formal method of requesting cards for addition to the game? The google form gets the job done and all, but I feel like there could be a better method for it. Chiefly, it would be nice to be able to see the suggestions of other users that have been made. From there, we could have a simple thumbs up system to add our support to others' ideas rather than the current system requiring a completely new submission of the same player. It would more easily allow the community to rally support around a potential addition, and also allow for more esoteric players to be added. While 20 people may not all readily think of say Jose Lima as a player they want to submit, 20 people may be willing to throw support behind the idea when they see someone else's submission.
These are both great suggestions! Thumbs up.
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