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Old 07-12-2019, 02:41 AM   #25
Major Leagues
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 449
Originally Posted by One Great Matrix View Post
But of course if it's cards and not packs? Then chances of a bronze are 1:5 anyway and you would basically get a guaranteed bronze in every at the very least my logic works as well...if it's packs then it's laid out what the chances are for.each.pack., and if it's cards, then the bronze shows up anyway, and at least it's a bronze and not something lower.

Here's my perspective. The thing about a guaranteed bronze is it doesn't provide me with a chance to luck out. I would be happy to roll the dice on the sixth guaranteed card even if it means I am potentially get an iron, for a shot to get more than a bronze.

I took the shot, I get an iron, no hard feeling. With the guaranteed bronze, I have no shot to take and I don't really care about a bronze card either. I prefer 6 shots over 5 shots + 1 bronze, personally. I don't see my feeling goes above +-0 between a 6 iron pack and a 5 iron + 1 bronze pack.

Last edited by Goliathus; 07-12-2019 at 02:44 AM.
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