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Old 04-27-2019, 08:09 AM   #10
Minors (Double A)
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 142
Originally Posted by Cole View Post
You are wrong about that. Asking someone to create stadiums for your fictional league - even if it IS just one request at a time - is an overly preposterous request.

It has nothing to do with how much detail you do or don't put into your stadium request. Quite simply, asking the community to make specific stadiums for you IS preposterous and too much to ask.

You've been told by multiple people that creating stadiums is a VERY involved and lengthy process that takes a lot of work. Thus, ANYONE requesting specific fictional/custom stadiums is by its nature alone very preposterous. There's a reason this forum isn't filled with requests, because people realize it's unreasonable to expect people to take on such huge projects for them.

There are plenty of fictional parks out there, you need to just expand your imagination to be okay with using those for your league.
Thank you!!!!!!!

It's crazy how someone can be that self absorbed.
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