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Old 04-09-2019, 12:13 AM   #5
Lawn Loaf
Join Date: Feb 2018
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This is one of the most completely self absorbed requests I have ever seen.

CD, for the love of God, man be reasonable. No one on this thread has ever delved into the depths of your imagination. And I guarantee they are not going to line up and buy a ticket for the "ride"!
You would be so better served to just get on with your ideas, install Sketchup and get to work.

To build the type of stadium you are "requesting', would require a single person over days worth of work. Why don't you see if you can recruit a few of these guys with skills with actual compensation?

You'd be amazed at how much sketchup skills you could acquire in the amount of time you post these preposterous requests.

I'm not trying to be mean, just hoping you'll see the reality in my words.
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