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Old 05-20-2019, 03:39 PM   #37
Aaron's Aron
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 70
I do agree trading for top prospects is pretty much impossible the way the game is now. Pretty much anyone that is about 65+ potential out of eighty (this number is arbitrary of course; just a rough estimate from what I've seen) can't be traded for. I can make plenty of trades for average-ish prospects, but anyone who is a franchise changing, true impact-type prospect is off limits.

I agree it should be difficult to trade for this level of prospects because they are rarely moved in real life. It does seem to be a bit overdone though since it is basically impossible. I want to unload some very good major leaguers on good contracts to push forward a rebuild, and I can't get any prospects who are a game changer.

Maybe this is the way it is intended and if so, that is fine. I just think you should be able to acquire elite prospects (for a good return of course). That is my opinion, but again, if this is working as intended then I suppose we'll just have to adjust.

For what it's worth, I normally play on the "Hard" trading difficulty and "Neutral" for trading preference, but I've switched to "Average" for trading difficulty since this change and there hasn't been a noticeable difference with elite prospects.

EDIT: I'm not talking about prospect for prospect trades (although the same holds true) by the way. I'm talking about good major leaguers on good contracts for an elite prospect.

Last edited by Aaron's Aron; 05-20-2019 at 03:48 PM.
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