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Old 05-16-2019, 09:37 AM   #24
All Star Starter
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Still Waiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A while back my kids got very excited about some of the players from the past so they made a new game and imported certain players from their PT game (the ones they really liked or never found in packs) to their main new OOTP game. It took some time but they ended up with a roster that had all the players they wanted and they saved it as a quick start so they can easily replay or make additional adjustments.
Essentially name and year was needed to complete the historical import.
In some cases they actually did not use the PT player year but imported the year they really wanted based on baseball reference stats.

I know it is not really what you ask for but it was an alternative option to give them the players they really enjoyed in PT.

Personally, I hope tournaments will fill in the gap of not being able to use lower level players.
Otherwise, as long as there are promotions to higher levels, it becomes hard to utilize lower level players at the higher levels.

The developers are aware that a huge majority of cards become irrelevant once you are promoted and move up.

Personally, I am excited to play some of the lower level players that I enjoyed watching at the stadium in tournaments.

Maybe at one point we will also be able to form our own leagues (using friends feature) and lock the league so there are no promotions. It would help prevent random stronger teams from getting dropped into the league and allow the league to also apply their own unique rules to the teams.

I am sure we have not seen it all in PT. There are lots of avenues to further improve the game. I am sure Markus has a vision of what he wants it to look like in a few years.

This is why I suggested to not get caught up too much in one aspect of the game and find other ways to still enjoy it as it is.

Last edited by joehart; 05-16-2019 at 05:22 PM.
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