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Old 12-17-2019, 10:22 AM   #35
Minors (Double A)
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 155
My thoughts:

1. I would definitely like to see more balance on Tourneys. I'm hoping the app helps a lot with that in the future and will still be retroactive to OOTP20. It's difficult to continually sign up when you work all day and don't have access. Further, the card management/roster tools being improved would go along way too. Lastly, loading times. It's discouraging the amount of time it takes to load multiple setups over and over again in different tourneys. So I honestly haven't played as much as I would have liked here due to the clunkiness and lack of time.

One other thought would be 2nd place/3rd place rewards (or is that already there?). And maybe something just for participating, like achievements can be accrued.
Or participate in 9 tourneys each week nets you a free pack or two.

2. As far as regular league play, perhaps a 5 PL championship criteria would promote you upwards to a champions league? Maybe even a "permanent" status, no regulation so that tanking would be impossible. Put a full reset option in for those who get tired of top end competition.

I've hung around in PL on a largely f2p team and I don't mind playing whales, but if we're all worried about the large range of PL teams, then I think an extra tier up, based on # of championships, not one championship or pennant, might work better.

Last edited by Thornbreaker; 12-17-2019 at 10:26 AM.
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