Thread: Dat file format
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Old 11-04-2015, 09:15 AM   #5
Minors (Rookie Ball)
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by bullschuck View Post
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can understand the data with a binary editor, it's just the equivalent of a table in a db. I just need to understand the schema. How many bits for the 1st field, how many for the second. I've pulled up several files in a hex editor and one of them had valid info showing up in the text portion. The bits just happened to line up correctly. Once I understand the bit length for each field and the number of fields per row, then all I have to do is try to figure out what each column is for.
I would very much like to see the abilities to both import export teams and also spit out a data file in .tsv or .csv . Giving the abilities to turn a single player mobile game into an online multiplayer game would be as huge as ootp baseball. I have a prototype aplication I have been developing for a certan other baseball game I have 2 itterations of this app none of which have been released yet due to inconsistent data namely the headers in the output. Stop naming batting and pitching columns the same!!!!
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