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Old 06-12-2008, 04:52 PM   #32
Minors (Double A)
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 110
Hey all,
I have pre-ordered OOTP9 after taking a few years off and am looking for two leagues to join once the next version is released.

I am looking for a fast paced league...we are talking a real burner! Perhaps a season every two weeks or so. Preferably historical. I'd like to help recreate history without needing 10 years of realtime to do it. (Although I bet OOTP 19 will KICK ARSE!)

The other league I'm looking for is still one moving at a decent pace (maybe 3 sims/week with 2 weeks played/sim). This one would HAVE to use real players, but modern or historical is flexible.

I'm not a fan of manditory writing assignments. I will contribute when the mood strikes, but I'm not a fan of leagues with writing "bonuses". But I do participate. If I miss a league vote, or export, call 9-11 cause I'm passed out on the living room floor.

Please send me a PM if you think we are a match and I will continue to browse the boards looking for a good fit.

Everyday I break my own personal record for consecutive days without dying.
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