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Old 01-27-2014, 07:53 AM   #15
Major Leagues
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 359
Originally Posted by lukasberger View Post
Well the thing is I kind of make this for use as a feeder. Adding the real players only really makes sense if you use the leagues as feeders.

I've toyed with the idea of trying to make a world with all the colleges in each division (associated) as real teams with financials and everything (fictional players) but never actually gotten around to doing it.
I guess it's more of selfish reason of mine.

I actuallyy don't really need real player (or even real schedule), but I want the NCAA in the format of Association. In the past I set this up myself. However, now I'm a college student and is a little bit short on time so I'd like someone else do the work for me

There is another reason that I disliked the NCAA as one league format: If you don't have a schedule file in place, the game's schedule generator might generate a schedule that you played none of your division or conference opponent. If I have to choose between play no out of conference game and no conference game, I would much rather be the former
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