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Old 11-16-2019, 12:25 PM   #27
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Now you want to take the compressed folder of your .lg folder and Cut/Paste it to your external hard drive in a folder that you keep your saved OOTP folders in. You know about this part, because this is the part that's taken sixteen hours to do, only to have it hang, and stop because it can't handle the load, or it says there's been an error. You want to Cut/Paste it rather than Copy/Paste it because Copy/Pasting will leave a copy of the compressed .lg folder behind in your saved_games folder.

When you want to reset your game because something happened in it that you don't like and you want to go back in time to do things over, you'll want to "extract" it from your external hard drive to your saved_games folder. When you do this, your computer will tell you that there's already a folder in the saved_games folder with that name, and ask you if you want to overwrite it or not. There are two things you can do: 1) Click on "yes" and overwrite the folder in question or 2) Prior to extracting it, rename the folder in question your league (1).lg instead of your league.lg.

Option #2 will protect your .lg folder in your saved_games folder until you've determined that it's safe to delete it. Option #1 will simply overwrite the .lg folder, and your game will go back to where it was at the time of your previous save.

The next four pics relate to the extraction process that I started talking about in paragraph #2. They're the four steps you need to take in order to reset your .lg folder. The first step shows games that are in my external hard drive saved games folder. You would right click on the game you wish to reset, and a menu will come up. One of the options will be "Extract All...". Left click on that. The next pic shows what happens next. You'll want to left click on the "Browse..." button (highlighted in blue). Using the "Browse" feature, you're gonna select where the extracted folder will end up, which is photo #3. Photo #4 shows the destination folder (your saved_games folder in OOTP20). At the bottom of the "Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders" page, you'll see two buttons "Extract" and "Cancel". You'll want to left click on the "Extract" button, and it'll either ask you if you want to overwrite (to which you say yes), or start extracting immediately (if decided to change the name of your .lg folder to protect it from being overwritten).

This is all probably overwhelming as hell, but just keep asking questions and I'm pretty confident we can get you to the point where you'll be able to do this.
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My corrected FaceGen IDs .zip file here:

OOTP post re-FG IDs here:

My DB which restores Fed Leaguers here:

Instructions for the DB:

Last edited by actionjackson; 11-16-2019 at 12:27 PM.
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