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Old 01-05-2006, 06:30 PM   #10
Minors (Single A)
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 55
I'm planning out a fictional universe based on the current format. I'm going to add 2 expansion franchises to the current major league teams. Then I redesigned the minor leagues, swaping teams and leagues, as well as taking away independant leagues but having some independant teams in the minor leagues. I also changed low-A ball to B and added a C level between B and the ss leagues. I made a spreadsheat on excell to plan out all the teams and minor leagues, with each league on a seperate sheet. At the end I made a sheet that listed each ML team and each of their minor league affiliate. It took me several days to do because I had to research all the stadiums, attandance figures, resort teams and leagues, and assign affiliations, but this way when the game comes out all I have to do is type in city names, and edit each minor leagues roster structure and age limits (which I did on another sheet)
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