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Old 04-04-2015, 01:09 PM   #29
Minors (Rookie Ball)
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Everett, WA
Posts: 39
Wow, "Fairwarning".........Nothing of what you post is even close to the truth. Why bash a league in a forum with this?? None of this makes sense. This is truly a unique league and the overall GM interaction is what makes it so great. In fact last time I checked there were 10 or more guys in committee's running the league that live in all different areas of the World. Not getting why the rant. These GMs in the back office are keeping a tight eye on everything, so its not even possible for the things you are accusing of??

In the last 6 seasons we have had a different champion each season. No one is truly dominating. Scottsdale for example, has built a great team and has good years each year.........but he struggles to win it all due to the competition in this league.
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