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Old 09-30-2016, 01:22 PM   #25
Major Leagues
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 355
I apologize that this is vague but I can't find the exact screen right now...

There is one screen where dumping the html to disk results in only being able to dump page-by-page, which behaves very differently from the rest of the write-to-disk screens. Like many, I write scripts to parse these HTML pages and having dozens or more html pages is not really how I want to go about it.

A general comment related to parsing the HTML documents is that it's very important to me that the columns are always shown in the same order. For that matter, it's not totally clear to me which screens my views are common across. For instance, I have to re-create my export view for the international free agents and the draft. The INTL FA screen I know for sure has some columns that show up in a different place than for other screens (mainly the baserunning ones get moved to earlier columns than in other screens).

To answer the main questions:
1) Did you like the OOTP 17 color scheme and use of team colors. If not, what could be improved?
This is my first version of OOTP, but yes, I like the team colors.
2) How about the interface layout, is the upper area (info & navigation) easy to use and understand?
I found it a little confusing at times. Like, to get to the trade screen, I have to go through my GM menu, and to get to available personnel, I have to go through the ML free agents screen. There were many frustrating times just trying to figure out where a certain screen was. And don't even get me started on finding something in the game settings menu! I have found that I use the top bar for almost everything, now that I now where things are, but I wish I used the right bar more.
3) What interface quirks would you like to see fixed / improved?
custom views common across all sheets where they can be used. Columns always appearing in the same order across all screens.
4) Any feature ideas that relate to the interface which you'd like to see implemented (i.e. more hotkey support)?
custom statistics in the player profile page (i.e. the ability to add FIP- to the profile page stats of all pitchers). Custom views in the player stats pages (i.e. the ability to get ERA+ and FIP- into the same view in the pitching stats page for an individual player).
Also, sorry for the non-UI request, but please add ERA- to the available stats.

5) Which skin did you use in OOTP 17? Would you like to see an alteration to our usual default / dark / classic skin themes?
I used the default and classic themes, but ended up settling on default. Usually in these types of games I go for a dark skin, but for whatever reason, the dark skin in OOTP was really hard on my eyes. I switched out of it almost immediately. I just couldn't read things without squinting. I prefer dark background for almost everything I do, so it was a strange experience having it not really work for me at all.

Thanks for the great game and I look forward to seeing what next year brings!
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