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Old 01-08-2015, 04:53 PM   #4
Hall Of Famer
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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  1. Open the schedule in Notepad.
  2. Open the "search" menu (I think it's under Edit - I don't have the program open in front of me) and choose "search and replace"
  3. Enter away="1" as the search term and away="A1" as your replace term. Hit "enter"
  4. Enter home="1" as the search term and home="A1" as your replace term. Hit enter
  5. Repeat for every team (so, e.g., 2 becomes A2, 3 becomes A3, and so on)
  6. Now you need to reverse the process. You want gmo's subleague 1 to become your subleague 2 and vice versa. So here's the way you need to change the teams:
  • 1 --> A1 --> 11, 2 --> A2 --> 12, and so on to 12 --> A12 --> 22
  • 13 --> A13 --> 1, 14 --> A14 --> 2, and so on to 22 --> A22 --> 10
At the end of this process, subleague 1 will have teams 1-10, and subleague 2 will have teams 11-22.
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