Thread: Baseball 2018
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Old 10-29-2018, 11:31 AM   #206
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 4,871
Joe Buck is an asshole. Seriously.

I have met him twice, and both times I wanted to slap the smirk off of his face.

He created a restaurant chain, here in St. Louis, called "J. Bucks." On the door was a picture of his father at a microphone. The food was overpriced, and both restaurants quickly out of business.

Another reason they went out of business is that the St. Louis community did NOT like how he tried to make a buck off of his dad's name.

On another note, I am a meteorologist. He once stated, on national TV, how he hated weather guys, and he would LOVE to have a conversation with one. Well...I met him, and we had a conversation. I talked, and told him to STFU.

This loser, JOE Buck, went to the the University of Missouri, flunked out, and got a job, due to his wonderful dad's influence. He is a no-talent hack, living off of his father's reputation.

Puig, Machado, and Joe Buck. Hard to find any other sports figure I loathe more. Curt Schilling, for sure, and maybe a few others.
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