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Old 01-13-2015, 05:23 PM   #1
Charlie Hough
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Default Weather Settings for Cities Not in Weather File?

The weather.txt file, which contains weather for many sizable cities, is missing weather data for many thousands of others.

So, if there is no entry in the weather file for a given city, what does OOTP use for weather settings? Does it use weather from the nearest city based on the latitude and longitude? What does it do for a city that does not have a latitude or longitude entry?

I need an answer to both questions because I've created a fictional nation and a sizable number of cities, but I would rather not bother with creating the latitudes, longitudes, and weather settings for each one. If I could set a default or perhaps create an alternate weather file with a limited number of entries designed to match several types of locations among my fictional cities, then that would require much less work.

But I want to make sure that I understand any default behavior by the game before proceeding.
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