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Old 12-20-2012, 12:17 AM   #8
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Jun 2006
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VG - I am solely referring to playing with historical transaction and without historical lineups. If you factor in playing with historical lineups then, yes, you couldn't allow deviations in the historical transactions file.

I suspect there a fair amount of players who use historical transactions but not historical lineups. I think many of those would dig having flexibility with transactions.

If you are saying that maintaining your roster in this location as you see fit but asking the rest of the league to execute transactions true to history, that is simply impossible.
Was not necessarily connecting location changes to roster changes. But to address the rest of the quote, it would absolutely be possible by simply having the checkbox option and/or the editable transaction file option. Keep in mind that OOTP's historical txn module doesn't care where players are; it only cares that they are supposed to go somewhere else. So if, for example, I don't allow Freddy Lynn to go to California but I don't later uncheck the box that sends him to Baltimore, he will end up on Baltimore.
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