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Old 07-26-2006, 06:05 AM   #91
Andreas Raht
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Hollern/Stade/Germany
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Will be added to the manual

"Make Backup"

- Saves the current database to get .dat files which are up-to-date
- Makes a list of all files with extension ".dat" which are in the current leagues saved game folder
- Creates a date-stamped folder named like backup_2006_07_22__17_03_56
- Copies all .dat files from the saved game folder into this folder

To restore a backup, just copy all these files back into the saved game folder.

You should delete the old folders from time to time since they will use disk space.

This message will be displayed after making the backup: "The key (.dat) files from your game have been copied to a date-stamped backup folder inside your saved game folder.
Note: This process only backs up the basic game files (.dat). For maximum safety, you should always perform regular backups of your full saved_game directory."

A hidden feature:

Add the following lines to the file /data/config/app:


This will tell OOTP to delete the oldest backups and to keep no more than 10 backups saved. You can use any value from 3 to 1000. 0 means not to delete any backups (default setting).
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