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Old 09-08-2014, 02:27 PM   #18
Major Leagues
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Originally Posted by Furious View Post
I've been playing with Recalc off because I like there to be some uncertainty, but I'm getting a bit more uncertainty than I want. With recalc on, career arcs are too predictable for my liking. With it off they're too all-over-the-place.

I keep starting my game over and tweaking settings to get what I'm looking for, and I keep not getting it, because I don't really know what the settings do.

I have recalc off, injuries set to "low", all the player development settings (aging, development, talent randomness) at their defaults, and Disable Player Development unchecked.

I'm looking for "some" randomness in terms of development and career length; what I'm getting is too many instances for my liking of players who had twenty-year careers in real life starting to break down after ten, and too many career-ending injures snuffing out what should be 10-15 year careers before they've barely gotten off the ground. Should I be setting injuries at "very low"?

I'm unclear on how the Player Development Settings effect things with recalc off vs recalc on. Maybe what I should be looking into is turning recalc back on but raising the PDS to get more randomness that way?
I think what you should try is lowering the Talent Chang Randomness setting to a lower value. The lower the value, the closer to real life. The higher the value, the more surprises. I do set injuries very low just to keep the historical players I'm familiar with on the field as much as possible.

From the manual:
The Talent Change Randomness option is a numeric value from 1 to 200 that controls how random player talent changes are. For example, a 200 here would mean that talent changes are highly random, making it more likely that players would experience significant changes in talent over the course of their career. Tweak this if necessary if you feel that player talent changes are either too drastic or too conservative. 100 is the default.
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