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Old 06-18-2018, 07:18 PM   #39
Minors (Double A)
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 141
Quoting the online manual:

Historical play extended back to 1917-18, including the other major leagues in the west in addition to the NHL. While they're active, the Stanley Cup is decided by an inter-league series at the end of the year. Roster/lineup sizes are bigger than they were historically; there are limitations to how far we can go without breaking the match engine and AI. No era-specific rules like PCHA rovers or different penalty systems/lengths, but possible at some point in the future.
I would love to see a pre-1917 game engine implemented into FHM5. I have done a lot of research into this early era of hockey (1883-1917), and there are so many amazing leagues, teams and players during that time frame. One of the greatest moments was the 1905 Stanley Cup challenge between the Ottawa Silver Seven and the Dawson City Nuggets. Would be amazing to control players and teams from this 7 player (6 + rover) 'challenge for the Stanley Cup' era... and then seamlessly transition into the NHL's first season in 1917.
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